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Friday, 07 September 2012 11:07

The high number of records being broken at the London 2012 Paralympics is more down to the quality of athletes than improved technology, organisers say. At the half way point of the Games, 228 Paralympic records have been broken, compared with 339 in total at Beijing. Controversial comments by Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius have prompted questions about whether rules on technology used by athletes need to be tightened, but officials say records are being broken as athletes are working harder. ‘Our athletes are getting better training and better funding,’ said International Paralympics Committee Communications Director Craig Spence. There are now more Paralympic competitors who are full-time athletes rather than competing as a hobby, Mr Spence told the BBC. He added that the margin by which records were being broken was also plateauing, Athletes are getting better,’ said Mr Spence. ‘With hard work come more records.’

Pray: for all the athletes that they will be rewarded for all their hard work. (Ps.103:22)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19481027


Friday, 24 August 2012 09:42

St Paul’s Cathedral will echo with an unaccustomed sound on the Sunday after next: a three-a-side wheelchair-basketball game is to be played beneath the dome during a service to mark the opening of the Paralympic Games the following Wednesday. The Bishop of London, the Rt Revd Richard Chartres, will preside, and the service will begin when Chris Holmes, the blind Paralympian swimmer, runs in through the Great West doors with a laurel wreath, and places it on the altar. Baroness Grey-Thompson, who won 16 Paralympic medals during her sporting career, will give the address. Lord Coe and Dame Tessa Jowell MP are expected to attend. In a message to the 2700 young people who volunteered to be ‘ambassadors for Christ’ during the Games, Bishop Chartres said: ‘Without seeking to undermine the Prime Minister's emphasis on the virtues of competition, I think that you all deserve a medal.’

Pray: that the success of the Games will continue and the Paralympic Games will add to the amazing legacy already achieved. (Heb.12:1)

More: http://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2012/17-august/news/uk/paralympians-to-celebrate-games-in-st-paul%E2%80%99s

Friday, 03 August 2012 21:08

Pakistanis are very excited watching their players show their best performance and send a message of peace to the world. For several years sports events have faced challenges in Pakistan. The memory of winning titles brings back smiles and provides a chance to people of all walks of life to celebrate. According to the Pakistan Olympic Association, ‘There are 18 hockey players, two athletes, two swimmers, a shooter, 23 players, and 16 officials taking part in the 2012 Olympics.’ Assist News Service Pakistan spoke to many Christian sports players and various other people to find out what they are saying about Olympics 2012, and what they expect from their players. Johnson Gill Christian cricket coach and Gospel minister said, ‘I am with my team, and wish them best of luck as Pakistan badly needs to win gold medals to bring back the Games to Pakistan.’

Pray: for international impartiality and the true Olympic spirit to be displayed throughout the Games. (Pr.22:1)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/pakistani.christians.praying.for.their.olympic.team/30365.htm

Friday, 17 August 2012 11:09

The choir that performed at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games will sing a special Mass of Thanksgiving for the Paralympics. The Dockhead Choir will be accompanied by an orchestra at St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, on 8th September. ‘It will be a slightly different version of Jerusalem on this occasion to that sung at the opening ceremony,’ explained Canon Maclean, Dockhead's parish priest, who will be directing the choir. ‘However, above all the young people - and their parents - are both delighted and honoured to be taking part in this special liturgy.’ He added, ‘being a part of the Mass in thanksgiving for the Paralympic Games is equally as great an honour for us all as being the first voices to be heard at the opening of the 30th Olympiad singing in worship of God is what the choir does best.’

Pray: for all Christian messages and activities throughout the Paralympics to touch thousands of hearts, minds and spirits. (Mt.5:16)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/olympics.choir.to.perform.at.special.paralympics.mass/30473.htm

Friday, 20 July 2012 18:25

Olympic archer, Jennifer Nichols, 28, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is a devout Christian from Texas who is intent on winning a gold medal in the upcoming games in London. ‘I take comfort in knowing that I'm here because the Lord brought me here and I’m glad to be able to offer whatever I can to be able to glorify the Lord in what I do,’ said Nichols ‘I memorize a lot of Scripture to recite while I'm shooting,’ she adds. ‘I carry a little book in my quiver that has Bible verses in it that I memorize as I'm walking back and forth to the target. And sometimes I'll recite them while I'm on the line shooting. It plays a large part.’ Thank God for Jennifer’s testimony and pray that God will bless her.

Pray: for Jennifer's witness and that sharing the Word will bring many blessings. (Ac.22:15)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=10316

Saturday, 28 September 2013 15:32

The number of homeless families living in emergency bed and breakfast accommodation is at its highest in nearly ten years, says the housing and homelessness charity Shelter. The charity says 2,090 homeless families across England have been placed in B&Bs after losing their homes, an eight per cent rise on the same period last year, and the highest since September 2003. Overall homeless figures also rose by more than five per cent in the last year. This includes 8,790 families with children – the equivalent of one family losing their home every 15 minutes. A Shelter poll found that six in every ten working families paying mortgage or rent are struggling with their payments. Campbell Robb, Shelter’s chief executive, said: ‘These figures are a wake-up call. Ordinary families are falling through the net and risk losing everything.’ The charity reports that it sees many families placed in unsuitable B&B-style accommodation, often for weeks at a time.

Pray: that accommodation may be found for homeless families that will bring stability. (Ps.113:9)

More: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/19086

Thursday, 19 May 2011 15:00

More churches in the UK are getting behind plans for joined up outreach during the London 2012 Olympics than with any previous Games. With just over a year left before the Games come to the capital, churches are drawing up their plans for coordinated outreach and engagement during the Games. David Willson, chief executive of More than Gold, the umbrella group for outreach during the Games, has coordinated church engagement in Sydney, Athens, Beijing and Vancouver. He said there were more churches and agencies getting behind the London Olympics than with any other Games previously. Chairman of More than Gold, Lord Brian Mawhinney, expressed his excitement at the Christian Resources Exhibition in Esher, Surrey this week saying, ‘ It has even been suggested to me that More Than Gold could well turn out to be the largest venture of inter-church cooperation the United Kingdom has ever seen.’

Pray: for this Olympic outreach and all involved in preparing for it. (Lev.9:23)

More: http://www.christiantoday.co.uk/article/more.churches.signed.up.to.olympics.outreach.than.ever.before/27985.htm

Thursday, 26 July 2012 20:07

London is awash with many Christian groups ministering across the city and there are many others throughout the British Isles. Please pray for: a team of former Olympians known as ‘Chaplains to the World’s Olympians’. Their ministry ‘Bridging the Gap 2012 UK Outreach headquarters is based in the Kingsway International Christian Centre. Pray also for the Olympic Village Chaplains in each Olympic host city made up of a local component and an international contingent. Please pray for the 3,000 copies of commemorative English-language Scriptures available as a welcome gift in the Olympic Village, and the ‘More Than Gold’ ministry providing sports clinics, a ministry providing cups of water on every street corner for Olympic visitors, and ‘street chaplains’ welcoming people to London and helping visitors find their way around. Prayer is the secret ingredient in any evangelism and for Olympic ministry it is particularly important as the world comes together in goodwill.

Pray: for clear unhindered communication to flow through every event, particularly between volunteers and the public, organising agencies and volunteers.

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2012/s12070141.htm

Friday, 06 July 2012 19:07

The London Paralympics run from 29 August to 9 September. British Churches are organizing celebrations and activities for these Games but critics are wondering whether churches will be inspired to improve their own facilities for the disabled. ‘There’s a sharp contrast between the facilities provided for this event and those available in most churches. Between 10 and 18% of people are disabled but we don’t see that number in our congregations,’ said Tim Wood of Through the Roof. In spite of years of campaigning and changes to legislation that in theory require public buildings to have accommodations such as wheelchair ramps and designated parking spaces, more than half the churches in the UK still lack such features. ‘St. Paul spoke about people running in a race to win medals that don't last. Our churches offer something so much more. I hope the legacy of the Paralympics is that we welcome many more disabled people into our faith communities.’

Pray:for the inclusion of all individuals, even those with mental, physical or emotional disability in our faith communities.

More: http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=5766

Tuesday, 10 July 2012 09:17

When the world’s greatest athletes start arriving at the Olympic Village next week (W/B July 16) to prepare for the start of the London 2012 Games, they will be greeted by a special drama performance staged by young people and a rendition of their national anthem, along with the raising of the country’s flag. But perhaps the most moving part of the welcome ceremonies will be their backdrop – a 'Truce Wall’ decorated with statements from British schoolchildren expressing their hopes and aspirations for a more peaceful world. Among those statements will be one by 16-year-old Amy Wight, from St John’s RC Comprehensive School, in Gravesend, Kent, who wrote: ‘Athletes are more than competitors ... they inspire us to a more peaceful world.’ The team welcome ceremonies are repeated for the arrival of each national team. For some athletes they may be the only time they hear their national anthem and see their home flag raised during this summer’s Games.

Pray: for the final preparations for the Olympics and that the games will run smoothly without disruption and that the recent severe weather will abate in time for this important event. (1Sa.25:6)

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/london-2012/9382007/London-2012-Olympics-Children-welcome-athletes-with-words-of-peace.html