Assisted Suicide Bill – the debate

Written by Super User 17 Jul 2014

On Friday 18th July the House of Lords will vote on Lord Falconer's Bill to legalise assisted suicide in England and Wales. The outcome of this vote will carry weight in the Scottish Parlament as the Assisted Suicide Bill is processed there. Previous bills of this nature have been defeated because they were considered dangerous. While the bill is being debated in the Lords people opposed to the bill will gather from 9:30 onwards outside the building armed with placards, banners and wearing black and/or red. The organisers of this protest want people to consider that while we fight for human rights for the disabled, for assistance in life for the disabled, support and independent living for the less able, a bill is being debated for assisted suicide for the same people. At a time when the NHS and social care are being decimated and the ILF is facing closure, is the only assistance we’ll get a suicide bill? (see also World section - item 6 and Europe section - item 1)

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