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Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:21

Few realize we are living through the largest persecution of Christians in history; worse than the Roman emperors Diocletian and Nero. Estimates of the numbers of Christians under assault range from 100 million to 200 million. According to one estimate a Christian is martyred every five minutes. Most persecution is taking place at the hands of Muslims. Of the top 50 countries persecuting Christians 42 have either a Muslim majority or sizeable Muslim populations. The extent of this tragedy is being met with a shrug by most of the Western media. Reports and witnesses that appear in Arabic newspapers, news shows and websites rarely get translated into English or picked up by the Western press. The extent of the persecution forestalls any claims that it is a marginal problem. Victims are forgotten and their suffering is lost because of indifference or inattention of the media and government officials.

Pray: for God in His mercy to work through the media to highlight this human rights disaster. (Ps.38:20-22 & Pr.8:5-7)

More: http://blog.godreports.com/2013/08/crucified-again-christians-being-martyred-every-five-minutes-around-the-world/#more-3931


Saturday, 12 October 2013 12:55

Although international Labour Organisation data shows a fall in child labour since 2000 critics say the number of working children remains unacceptable. Protecting children from hazardous work and long hours remains a major challenge, with families in poor countries such as Bangladesh heavily reliant on the income they get from sending children to work. There are 168 million children working in situations that fit the ILO definition of child labour. That is "work undertaken by children below the appropriate legal minimum working age", based on its minimum age convention. In Nigeria Child labour is rampant in the gold and mineral mines. More than ten years after Nigeria passed a law banning child labour the International Labour Organisation says there are still fifteen million children working in the country. The plight of children working in Nigeria's mines is especially harsh but for many the paycheck is worth the pain. The children work for a dollar a day to support their families. See also http://www.win1040.com/video.php?clip=Child_Slavery

Pray: for the continued development of successful initiatives to put an end to child ‘recruits’ in terrorist armies, children forced into brothels, child labour in factories, farming and mining. (Ps.10:12)

More: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2013/10/child-labour-rampant-nigerian-mines-20131086554982259.html

Saturday, 19 October 2013 14:37

en million girls a year are married before the age of 18 across the world. Child marriages are illegal in India and punishable with a large fine and two years in prison for anyone performing, conducting or failing to prevent a child marriage. The grandfather of a 6-year-old child bride said, ‘I hate the government for trying to stop us. This is the way we've always done things. The government bans this but we don't care and we do these weddings anyway.’ There are at least 50 million married child couples around the world and this will double by the end of the decade. The countries with the highest proportion of child brides are Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh and India. 14 million aged between 15 and 19 give birth each year and are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their 20s.

Pray: against this practice that robs millions of girls of their childhood, their education, their rights and their dignity. Pray for the laws banning child marriage to be properly enforced and for protection of young vulnerable girls. (Ps.33:10-11)


More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15082550

Thursday, 22 August 2013 18:49

‘EXPOSED’ is aiming to collect at least a million signatures against corruption that will then be presented at the G20 meeting taking place in November 2014. The World Council of Churches is encouraging its member churches to get involved with this global campaign that highlights a trillion US dollars going missing from the global economy through bribes, dishonest deals and tax evasion - money that could be spent on lifting millions of people out of poverty

Pray: that this campaign will grow over the coming months – pray for many to respond to the issue of corruption being propagated by economic structures, value systems and greed. (Ps.45:3-4)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/world.council.of.churches.gets.behind.anti.corruption.campaign/33641.htm

Thursday, 04 July 2013 14:58

Persecution, violence and war have displaced 43 million people globally. Consider how your world would change if you were forced to leave your home and possessions at little or no notice and relocate somewhere where you knew no-one. Plus, you have no idea where your next meal is coming from. A refugee is outside their habitual residence because they have suffered (or fear) persecution and/or oppression on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a persecuted 'social group' or they are fleeing natural disaster. They are an 'asylum seeker' until recognized by the state where they make a claim. In Isaiah God told His children to provide shelter to Moabites (a people group the Israelites often fought) This past Sunday we observed World Refugee Sunday! Let us not stop praying for these ‘forgotten’ people of the world. Pray that we will obey the words of Isaiah 16:4 and give shelter to those who have been our enemies.

Pray: and cry out to God to have mercy on the millions of refugees, asking him to give them a future and to foil the plans of the enemy for their lives. (Jer.29:11)

More: http://iafr.org/

Thursday, 05 January 2012 15:21

Pakistan: Penal Code prohibits blasphemy against any recognized religion, providing penalties ranging from a fine to death. In practice it is only applied to Islam, calls for change in the blasphemy laws have been strongly resisted by Islamic parties. The former governor of Punjab and the Federal Minister for Minorities were assassinated in 2011 for their opposition to the blasphemy laws. Iran: Pastor Nadarkhani sits on death row for refusing to recant his Christian faith. The growing Iranian Church is continually harassed attacked and imprisoning believers. Nigeria: 1,000+ have been killed in religious and ethnic violence in Jos over the past two years between the mainly Muslim north and Christian south. Myanmar: Christians have to meet in secret , and recently persecution has been growing. South Sudan: The Sudanese army, with the support of a government-backed militia, is pursuing a genocidal campaign in South Kordofan, targeting the indigenous Christian Nuba peoples for being 'enemies of Islam'.

Pray: for God to comfort and protect Christians caught in the crossfire of religious discriminations, and for believers to be encouraged as they advance God’s Kingdom in 2012, even when it costs them everything. (2Thes.3:3)

More: http://members.opendoorsusa.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=55401.0&dlv_id=77421


Monday, 26 March 2012 09:06

‘Arise warriors of God! Open Doors invites you to take up your position and pray and fast for North Korea.’ Open Doors is calling on all Believers to come together in prayer and fasting for North Korea on April 15th. The late Kim Jong-Il had passed the baton of leadership to his son, Kim Jong-Un before he died, and many see this year as an opportunity to penetrate the darkness there, with the light of the Gospel of Jesus. Although it's not yet clear what kind of leader the still fairly young Jong-Un will be, it's possible he may be more accessible than his father. Kim Jong-Un inherited a country where between two and three million people have died of hunger and holds hundreds of thousands prisoner in labour camps, including many Christians. For more information follow the source link.

Pray: that our prayers will bring about a breakthrough and the light will penetrate the darkness. (2Sam.22:29)

More: http://www.breakingchristiannews.com/articles/display_art.html?ID=9942



Thursday, 11 August 2011 10:46

The chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyina has challenged Ghanaian leaders to take the nation’s destiny into their own hands rather than rely on foreign support and aid to accelerate development. The country is naturally endowed in many areas yet still depends heavily on foreign support for development 54 years after gaining independence. He was delivering a Lecture, ‘Embedding National Missionary Initiatives’ when he said Ghana will truly be independent and develop when leaders and citizens harness the resources currently available, liberate itself from the shackles of poverty and stop the blame game; while bringing about development without foreign aid. 'It is time for politicians, religious leaders and others working for the country’s advancement to take responsibility for the current challenges,' and added, ‘The Church of Pentecost is currently growing in leaps and bounds and does not rely on foreign support.’

Pray: for the Church as they encourage Ghanaians to believe in their capabilities, pray also for self-help programmes that will stand the test of time. (Ps.127:1)

More: http://news.peacefmonline.com/news/201107/59062.php

Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:23

A senior Israeli army officer has told the BBC that as long as Hamas remains in control of the Gaza Strip, another war is ‘only a question of time’. He said the Palestinian Islamist group had re-armed so much since the Israeli offensive two years ago that it was now in a stronger position militarily. There has been an increase in rocket fire coming from Gaza in the past week. Earlier, Israeli defence officials said tanks fitted with a new missile defence system would be deployed near Gaza. The UN has condemned the firing of ‘indiscriminate’ rocket and mortar attacks by militants in Gaza in recent weeks. Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat also warned that tensions were escalating in the region, and that any Israeli attack on Gaza would only lead to further bloodshed. ‘Military solutions such as these won't achieve anything and will only complicate the situation,’ Mr Erekat said.

Pray: for a speedy resolution to the Gaza situation and against any new conflict. (Pr.6:4)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12064775

Monday, 07 June 2010 18:53

Over 100 Gazans crossed the border into Egypt when they temporarily eased its blockade following the Gaza-bound flotilla incident. On Wednesday at Rafah people crossed the border on foot along with four trucks carrying tents, blankets and 13 power generators donated by Russia and Oman, plus two buses with 150 Palestinians including patients seeking medical assistance abroad and those with foreign residency permits. Israel’s friends as well as foes are calling for Israel to lift the Gaza blockade. Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would not lift the siege citing ‘ongoing weapons smuggling into Gaza and the ease of these transfers could be facilitated without a naval, air and land blockade.’ The Egyptian blockade was imposed after Hamas took power in Gaza. Palestinians regularly smuggle arms, fuel and goods from Egypt through underground tunnels while above the Egyptian government is constructing a 7 mile, bomb-proof, steel barrier along the border that goes 59ft underground. See:

Pray: that this incident would birth changes that enable Gaza’s communities and businesses to flourish while enabling Israel to protect herself from terrorism. (Ps.12:5&7)

More: http://www.hcnonline.com/articles/2010/06/02/conroe_courier/news/0603_natwlrdbrfs.txt