Indonesia: Mission school attacked

Written by Super User 01 Jul 2011

A mob of approximately 85 Muslims attacked a mission training school after a prayer meeting in West Java. They raided every class and the living quarters, removing pictures of Jesus. They told the staff that the school must be closed. No students were on the premises as school was not in session that day. Several police officers and soldiers accompanied the mob from a nearby military base and neighbours did not recognise them as locals. The school was established in 1999 to train evangelists in Indonesia and has a good relationship with its neighbours. Mission leaders are attempting to follow up on the incident in the hope of preventing further violence. The leaders also urged Indonesian Christians not to retaliate but to remain calm and to pray.

Pray: for true religious freedom in Indonesia and for God to bless Muslim radicals with a revelation of Jesus Christ. (Ps.45:4)


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