Indonesia: Church attacked by suicide bomber

Written by Super User 04 Oct 2011

A suicide bomber attacked a church packed with hundreds of worshippers in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, on Sunday, killing himself and wounding at least 20 other people. The church is one of Saddleback Church Pastor Rick Warren’s sister churches and the pastor posted a notice on his Facebook page reading, ‘Purpose Driven Network Alert - Our sister church in Solo City, Indonesia, Bethel Full Gospel Church, has just been bombed.’ A Muslim suicide bomber, whose identity has not been revealed, was responsible for the attack. The site also says some news reports indicate 27 people were injured in the blast - one critically. Others put the number as high as 30 people. Indonesia’s President called the attack ‘terrorism.’ The city of Solo is also radical Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir's hometown. Bashir is considered the spiritual leader for the group that killed more than 200 people in Bali in 2002, according to media reports.

Pray: for spiritual, physical, and emotional protection for the millions of Indonesian Christians. (Mal.4:2)


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