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Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:45

Islamic militants have driven 19,000 rice farmers from their land in northeast Nigeria while a military crackdown is preventing thousands more from working their fields, raising fears of imminent food shortages adding to the misery in northeast Nigeria. The abandoned area is fertile, a regional bread basket created by the receding waters of Lake Chad. General hunger is anticipated this year because all roads linking the cities to the farming hinterlands have been closed down. Farmers have been locked out of their lands while those in the hinterland cannot come to the city for tractors or labourers for the next cropping. Meanwhile violence continues with 13 people killed when extremists attacked a boarding school for five hours in Damataru state capital on Sunday night. A student who survived by hiding under a bed said dozens of Boko Haram ordered students to take them to the teachers’ quarters, where they opened fire on teachers and students.

Pray: for an end to the attacks that are terrorizing the population of northeast Nigeria; for minimum violence as troops are deployed. (Ps.68:28)

More: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/06/18/3457539/islamists-drive-19000-farmers.html


Thursday, 21 July 2011 13:47

'North Korea is grappling with an unfavourable situation but the regime’s tight grip on its people will prevent any Arab-style uprising’, South Korea’s defence minister said Wednesday. ‘The state of affairs in the North is indeed inauspicious and anything can happen there,’ Kim Kwan-Jin said in a forum. ‘We may consider whether the Jasmine Revolution could find its way into North Korea,’ the minister added. The impoverished North suffers persistent food shortages and downpours this month battered many areas. United Nations agencies say more than six million people urgently need food aid. The South, which blames its neighbour for two deadly border incidents last year, refuses to provide government aid.

Pray: that God would open avenues for Christians to serve where aid and resources are in short supply. (Is.32:3)

More: http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/20/n-korea-can-avert-uprising-s-korea-minister.html


Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:04

Many Nigerians are enraged, wondering how a senator notorious for marrying a 14-year-old girl can use Shariah law as an excuse to filibuster a constitutional amendment that has sparked a debate on the age of consent for girls. Since the country's secular and Islamic laws clashed in the upper house of Parliament last week, concerned citizens are using petitions, protests and social networks to demand the Senate revisit the issue. ‘Every Nigerian should bow his or her head in shame because instead of crushing the head of the lustful beast that seeks to fornicate with our children, to steal their virtues and to destroy their future, what the Senate did the other day was to compromise with and cater for the filthy appetites and godless fantasies of a bunch of child molesters and sexual predators,’ Femi Fani-Kayode (a traditional chief and former Cabinet minister) fumed in a letter to The Vanguard newspaper on Monday.

Pray: for the age of consent to remain at 18 in Nigeria and an end to the practice of forcing underage girls into marriage. (Jer.22:16-17)

More: http://www.kwqc.com/story/22902103/islamic-and-secular-laws-clash-in-nigerias-senate

Saturday, 08 December 2012 16:29

The following is a portion of a report from a British-Kenyan who visited Maiduguri: ‘Before the chaos took hold, I remembered Maiduguri as a surprisingly cosmopolitan and peaceful town, with an eclectic mix of people of different faiths, ethnicities, and subcultures; different types of food and music.- ordinary people, with a somewhat royal air, steeped in tradition with a somewhat modern and outward look. During my recent time there, I found a Maiduguri under siege by Boko Haram fighters and the Joint Task Force. The colour described above was replaced by a city enmeshed in road blocks, checkpoint and sandbags on every major road and intersection. The city was patrolled by heavily armed military personnel. We heard bombs exploding, and bullets being fired – followed by the screeching of JTF sirens that seemed to be coming from all directions every 2-3 hours. Father David Bridling, from St Patrick’s Catholic Church said half the Christian inhabitants of Borno State have left.’

Pray: for the tens of thousands who have fled from Maiduguri. May they know God’s provision and protection, especially over this Christmas period. (Ps.11)

More: http://www.informationnigeria.org/2012/12/inside-the-lions-den-of-nigerias-boko-haram.html

Friday, 19 July 2013 13:55

Security of citizens is one of the most important roles of government; unfortunately many issues are threatening the security of Nigerians and other nationalities living in the nation. Armed robbery, religious violence, intertribal crises, bad roads causing accidents, Fulani herdsmen destroying peoples' farms and attacking the farmers, carelessness in the aviation industry resulting in air-crashes, sales of false drugs, etc. All these problems of insecurity make Nigeria look hopeless like the dry bones of Ezekiel 37:1-4 but the Lord breathed life to the dry bones and they became a great army and were brought out from the graves to their own land. Ask God to open the grave of all areas of life in Nigeria and bring the country out of corruption, occultism, bloodshed, violence, Boko Haram killings, injustice and witchcraft. Pray and prophecy to the dry bones of authority in Nigeria that Nigeria will live and prosper once again.

Pray: for God to bring about peace, unity and love to manifest amongst all people of various religious backgrounds and tribes in Nigeria. (Ps. 72:6,7)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/images/resources/Prayer-Guide.pdf


Monday, 29 April 2013 16:42

The increased dependence of Nigeria’s political and even 'so called' church leaders on occult powers is very worrying. The experiences of two State governors in Anambra and Ogun were publicized but many other governors and their cabinets are involved in swearing to oaths at shrines to affirm allegiance. This is ungodly because idolatry brings about God's wrath in many ways. We are asked to pray for a move of God's spirit across the land, bringing transformation and renewal. Pray that all leaders involved in occult practices will be convicted by God and repent of their wickedness.

Pray: that those who have trusted in the true God will have excellent results in their governance and this will be a good example for those who are trusting the devil. (Dan 1:10)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=354:day-30-idolatry-and-occultism&catid=47&Itemid=285


Friday, 11 January 2013 12:55

A massive fire has ripped through one of the poorest suburbs in Lagos, burning down dozens of ramshackle homes and workshops in Ebute Metta community, along the Lagos lagoon where sawmills process timber. The huge blaze was the second major one in the city in recent weeks. On Boxing Day a massive explosion ripped through a warehouse full of fireworks in a crowded neighbourhood in Lagos Island. Fire remains a major danger in Nigeria, where many people store gasoline and diesel in their homes to run generators for electricity.

Pray: for those who have lost everything, with no means to regain an income or a home.

More: http://news.sky.com/story/1035313/huge-fire-rages-through-lagos-lagoon-slum


Saturday, 27 October 2012 09:31

On Wednesday Oct 24th ex-militants in the Niger-Delta reported a secret conduit through which the militant Islamic sect Boko Haram transports weapons/ammunition into the country with the help of a top government official (name withheld) using his influence to circumvent Nigerian Customs. Earlier this year, speaking at a church service marking the 2012 Armed Forces Remembrance Day, President Goodluck Jonathan had said that members of the Islamic sect had infiltrated the three arms of government at the federal level. He confessed that combating Boko Haram was complicated as members of the Boko Haram sect were in the armed forces, the executive, legislature and judiciary. Last Sunday after three days of Islamic attacks against churches and other targets that left dozens dead, hundreds of residents began fleeing north-eastern Nigeria. See: http://www.worthynews.com/11819-nigeria-militants-attack-church-and-other-targets-dozens-killed Boko Haram’s militant campaign and the military response are believed to have left more than 2,800 people dead since 2009.

Pray: that the government will be able to improve security. Pray for protection of soldiers and citizens in crisis-hit areas. (Pr.24:3-4)

More: http://allafrica.com/stories/201210230708.html


Tuesday, 08 May 2012 12:54

Chad's leader has called for the urgent creation of a regional force to tackle Nigerian Boko Haram militants. The Islamist group operates in northern Nigeria, but President Idriss Deby said it was posing a threat to its neighbours around Lake Chad. ‘Our basin is exposed to insecurity because of the permanent threat posed by Boko Haram,’ he said. Nigeria has been struggling to contain attacks by the militants who want to impose Islamic law in the country. Barnabas Fund reported Tuesday that around 300 Christians have been killed in one diocese in the past three weeks. Last Sunday 3 church services in Northern Nigeria were targeted leaving 27 dead. See:

Pray: for the creation of a joint African deterrence force to protect the Christian community in Nigeria. (Ps.17:8-9)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17906504

Thursday, 05 January 2012 15:18

The suicide bomb attack by Boko Haram on Christmas Day that left 45 people dead and 73 injured has turned the ruins of St Theresa’s Catholic Church into a national mourning site. Three of the 45 confirmed dead were policemen on guard duty at the time of the attack, and most of the others were parishioners. ‘The shock of the incident has been very traumatic for the people, and it is going to be difficult for them to recover from it – we are all still mourning. The worshippers have cause to be afraid after an incident like this, but they are strengthened by the blood of the martyrs and have not relented in attending daily Mass.’ said Rev Joseph Akor, director of communication of the Minna Diocese. President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, has tried to forestall sectarian violence by holding urgent meetings with Muslim and Christian leaders.

Pray: for the survivors to know God’s peace, for those who mourn to know His comfort and for all to resist the temptation to retaliate. (Mt.5:4-6)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/nigeria/article_1316092.html