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Saturday, 26 March 2011 09:15

Armed Fulani tribesmen displaced 4,000 in a series of attacks on villages in Bauchi state in predominantly Muslim north. Pastor Markus Kele of the Church of Christ in Nigeria was among those killed in Lim village in the most recent attack last Wednesday. Church sources reported 463 homes, 11 shops and 13 churches set on fire in recent attacks carried out by a group of 2,000 militants from Niger, Katsina, Kano, Sokoto and other northern Nigerian states. We also need to continue to pray for Jos where sectarian violence continues with two hundred killed in 2011. The division between Muslim north and Christian south sees the Plateau State and its capital Jos sitting in the middle where Christians and Muslims are locked in a cycle of attacks and revenge killings. While some attacks on Christians are perpetrated by Fulani herdsmen seizing property many are sectarian in nature. See:

Pray: for God to comfort those living in fear, and facilitate dialogue between Christians and Muslims that results in peace. (Ps.5:11,12)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/thousands.displaced.by.violence.in.nigerias.bauchi.state/27701.htm


Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:23

Nigeria’s criminal justice system is utterly failing Nigerian people and a majority of prisoners are not convicted of any crime. Amnesty International reported ‘The problems in Nigeria’s criminal justice system - especially its prisons - are so blatant and egregious that the Nigerian government has had no choice but to recognize them and has pledged many times to reform the system.’ We are asked to pray that beyond their technical ability, the Holy Spirit will help judicial officers discern the guilty from the innocent and liars from those who tell the truth. Ask God to raise God-fearing people through whom there will be a cleansing and purging of the judiciary and an honouring of the work of righteous the work oflawyers, judges and magistrates. Pray for God to expose wicked and corrupt judges so as to discourage them from evil. Ask God to put godly people in the National Judiciary Council, the body in charge of appointments. Ask Him to use the Nigerian Judiciary as a tool to make the nation law-abiding. For more insights into prayer for Nigeria; http://www.pray4nigeria.org/

Pray: for God to build up the remnants of the Judiciary that are still just and honourable. (Ps 89:14 & Is.28:6)

More: http://www.pray4nigeria.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=332:day-8-judiciary&catid=47&Itemid=285


Monday, 18 June 2012 09:14

An extremist ran a car full of explosives at Christ’s Chosen Church of God in Jos on Sunday morning, killing at least two and injuring 40+. The attack was the second suicide bombing of a church in two Sundays and the third church bombing in Jos in six months. It happened after the service ended. A pastor, church elders and some children remained in the sanctuary at the moment the bomb was detonated, collapsing the roof of the sanctuary. The death toll was expected to increase as injuries were severe. Also on Sunday in Borno State gunmen killed at least two Christians during church worship. The Boko Haram Islamic sect took responsibility for both assaults. A witness said the extremist was seen trying to bomb St Peter’s Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church Winning All, but could not gain entry. Each of these two churches and the bombed church are in the same road.

Pray: for the injured, bereaved and their families, pray also against the ideologies behind these attacks, and against the desire to de-stabilize the government through violence. (Ps.42:4)

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/nigeria/article_1596552.html



Saturday, 08 December 2012 16:28

Christians living and doing business were said to have been warned earlier in a letter to leave the area or risk being attacked. Then 10 Christians were killed in Kupwal village on Saturday in to be Syrian chemical weapons facilities. See: US intelligence detected signs that the Syrian regime was moving their chemical weapons components around various sites in recent days, according to a senior US defence official and a second US official. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about intelligence matters. Last February Al-Jazeera television reported that gas masks were being distributed to Syrian refugees in camps located along the Turkish-Syrian border and humanitarian activists were worried about the possibility of the Syrian regime using unconventional weapons against Syrian refugees. See:

Pray: that the Syrian Government will not resort to chemical warfare. (Pr.29:7)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/10555850


Thursday, 16 May 2013 17:39

In a nationwide broadcast Tuesday evening President Goodluck Jo nathan took direct control of security in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States. In imposing the state of emergency he wielded extra-ordinary powers under the 1999 constitution, when invoked this authorizes the presidency to govern these states directly, by-passing their governors. President Jonathan said, ‘The activities of insurgents and terrorists have been reprehensible, causing fear among our citizens and a near-breakdown of law and order in parts of the country, especially the north. We have taken robust steps to unravel and address the root causes of these crises but it would appear that there is a systematic effort by insurgents and terrorists to destabilize the Nigerian state and test our collective resolv e.’ Adding, ‘I hereby declare a state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states’ He was forced to take the measure after several attempts to get Boko Haram, to disarm proved abortive.

Pray: for minimum violence as troops are deployed. Pray for all security agencies involved in these operations and for an end to insurgents and terrorists. (Ps.68:28)

More: http://www.nigerianwatch.com/news/1743-goodluck-declares-a-state-of-emergency-in-borno-yobe-and-adamawa-states


Monday, 27 February 2012 14:20

Security forces patrolled Baga market on Tuesday after an assault by Islamist sect Boko Haram killed 30 people when gunmen stormed the fish section spraying stallholders and vendors with bullets and setting off bombs. It appeared to be a retaliatory attack for the arrest of a suspected Islamist inside the market last week. The government says it wants to start negotiating with the Boko Haram Islamist group blamed for a series of recent attacks across northern Nigeria. - Recent key events include: August - suicide bomb at UN headquarters, killing 23 people. November - 63 killed in bomb and gun attacks in Damaturu. December - 70 killed in days of fighting between security forces and Boko Haram. Christmas Day - bomb killed 40 people. January - more than 100 killed in one day of co-ordinated bombings and shootings after Boko Haram tells Christians to quit the north. Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13951696

Pray: for all the people suffering in the aftermath of Boko Haram attacks to know God's provision, peace and protection. (Ps.34:17-18)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ipefIK2-NUtXI_Yhu51hQI-6MsDg?docId=CNG.21c8fb0f46e288b49d8eed12b8a4ea6f.341

Thursday, 28 June 2012 15:14

The grim report was confirmed by an e-mail released by the Boko Haram confirming their plans for the coming weeks. In Kaduna and Zaria where churches were bombed last week, a curfew is still in effect. Open Doors reported two thwarted bombings over the weekend. Open Doors President and CEO, Dr Carl Moeller, explains, 'Boko Haram concealed a bomb in a coffin, claiming that it was a corpse. Fortunately, soldiers at a checkpoint insisted on seeing what was inside, and there were bombs in there. The men were arrested.' In the second attempt, a man was arrested when he masqueraded as someone who was interested in learning about Jesus Christ. The pastor noticed a bag a few yards away, which the possible convert denied knowing anything about. However the police discovered that the bag was filled with explosives, and the would-be suicide bomber was arrested. Then, with Sunday came a prison break, a fire fight, and the escape of 40 inmates who are members of Boko Haram.

Pray: that any further plans by Boko Haram will be thwarted. (Is.8:10)

More: http://www.mnnonline.org/article/17376

Wednesday, 19 May 2010 10:34

The religious massacres have stopped, but ‘secret’ killings of Christians and Muslims continue on a smaller scale across Northern Nigeria, claiming more than 30 lives this year police said on Tuesday. Three more people died and several were injured during an interfaith Easter prayer ceremony in Jos. The State Police Commissioner said the secret killings happen when Christians and Muslims stray into neighbourhoods dominated by the other faith. Police and security forces collect one or two bodies a night. The violence remains hidden from public view since it hasn't reached the horrors of earlier in the year when more than 200 people - mostly Christians - died in March massacres and more than 300 people- mostly Muslims - died in January during rioting in the same region.

Pray: for God’s life giving spirit to heal the broken, bring reconciliation to divided groups and invade the darkness still hovering over the region. (Is.42:16)

More: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iNCU46VYMVf0VzhqkKJUus45PrDAD9ETOKLG4

Thursday, 11 July 2013 16:07

Secondary schools have been ordered to close across Nigeria's north-eastern state of Yobe after a massacre in which Boko Haram Islamist extremists torched Mamudo Boarding school killing 22 students. ‘Boko Haram’ translates as ‘Western education is forbidden’ and dozens of schools have been burned in attacks by them since 2010. Eyewitnesses said some victims were burned alive while others were shot as they fled. An Associated Press reporter found chaotic hospital scenes where traumatised parents struggled to identify their children among the charred bodies and gunshot victims. Survivors said suspected militants arrived with containers full of fuel and set fire to the school. Yobe Governor Ibrahim Gaidam condemned the ‘cold-blooded murder’ and ordered secondary schools to be closed until September to allow state and federal government officials plus community leaders to work towards guaranteeing school safety. He also asked the government to remove mobile phone signal blocks across the state as the lack of mobile communications prevents patriotic citizens from reporting suspicious movements in their neighbourhoods.

Pray: for God to comfort those who mourn and to bless those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness.(Mat.5:3-10)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-2322123

Tuesday, 26 April 2011 08:47

Riots erupted across northern Nigeria on Monday as President Goodluck Jonathan secured a decisive win in the country's presidential poll, which observers have described as the fairest in decades. Deadly rioting erupted across Nigeria's largely Muslim north on Monday as youths torched churches and homes in anger at President Goodluck Jonathan's election victory. Observers have called the poll the fairest in decades in Africa's most populous nation. But supporters of the defeated Mr Buhari accuse the ruling party of rigging and rejected the results. The results show how polarised the country is, with Buhari sweeping the north and Jonathan winning the largely Christian south. Jonathan had nearly 23 million votes to just over 12 million for Buhari. The Nigerian Red Cross said churches, mosques and homes had been burned in rioting across the north and many people had been killed, but it was impossible to give a toll for now.

Pray: against this violence in the north and pray that the peoples and religious groups will find ways of living together in peace. (Nu.6:26)

More: http://www.france24.com/en/20110418-north-riots-over-goodluck-jonathan-election-victory-nigeria