Pakistan: 3 priorities for new government

Written by Super User 16 May 2013

Elections were completed last weekend. Although there were demonstrations and terrorist attacks (sadly over 130 lost their lives) those elected are relatively clearly defined and the country can move forward. Pakistan is on the brink of economic collapse and its citizens have suffered horribly from a recent spike in terrorism. Please pray for the new government to successfully employ wise tactics for both these desperate situations. There are tensions with neighboring Afghanistan and India, along with the frustrating and unpopular counter-terror partnership with the United States. Please pray for wisdom for Nawaz Sharif, that he may turn his country in the right direction. In the past Sharif displayed more interest in consolidating his political power than governing effectively. If his third time in office is to be different, he will need to focus on the economy, domestic order and foreign relations.

Pray: also for the openness of new leadership to hear the voices of the religious minorities and allow them to live in peace.( Pr.4:6)



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