Pakistan: 40 days of prayer & fasting

Written by Super User 02 Aug 2010

The Intercessors Network of Pakistan has arranged a 40 Day Prayer and Fasting Campaign from 1st August to 9th September 2010. The cry of Islamabad and Rawalpindi will be ‘Heal the Land’. Hundreds of believers from 70+ churches will be participating daily to pray for the healing of the land. Eleven churches from other cities will also be participating. The ‘National Day of Prayer’ will also be celebrated on 14th August. Prayer needs: Unity among Christians/church leaders and denominations: Abolition/repeal of the blasphemy laws: Christian brothers and sister in prison facing trails falsely accused under this law: Safety and security of Christians living under threat of being persecuted under this law. For sustainability of 24/7 and other prayer watches that are going on and that the Pakistani church will understand the power of corperate prayers and move into a culture of prayer.

Pray:  for a spiritual awakening of the Church on a national level so that the Gospel can spread across the country. (1Thes.5:10,11,17)


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