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Friday, 02 December 2016 11:05

The Bishop of Leeds has said some secularists ‘have a problem’ with religion being mentioned. A current brand of ‘intolerant’ liberalism in the UK is dismissive of the Christian faith. He made his comments after Theresa May said it is important that people can talk freely about their faith, following claims that some Christians dare not speak about Christmas. Bishop Baines said, ‘Clearly there are some Christians who are concerned about whether they are free to talk about their faith in a respectful and appropriate way in the workplace. Equally, there are plenty who are not Christians who think that Christians shouldn't, or think there is an issue around it. I call it religious illiteracy.’ The bishop said that some secularists are intolerant of Christianity, adding, ‘This can end up in some people trying to strip the religion out of Christmas.’

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:04

A National Day of Prayer took place on Wednesday, with congregations and presbyteries coming together to engage in praying together for the Church in Scotland and beyond. ‘Mission is an absolute paradox - we are tasked, by God, to do the impossible,’ said Free Church mission director David Meredith. ‘Our immediate context of ministry is an increasingly secular Scotland which sees no need of God. The majority of people rest in an indifference towards Christianity which morphs into antagonism if the gospel is presented firmly and with conviction. The power of God, which is accessed through Spirit-led intercessory prayer, can effect radical change in our communities. We began the day with an honest assessment that we have sinned, and that the “success” of many of our churches will be nothing but smoke and mirrors without the work of the Holy Spirit.’

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:04

A Ugandan pastor, severely injured by Islamic opponents of his faith, made an appeal for British Christians to help their persecuted brothers across the world. Umar Mulinde was badly burned by an acid attack outside his church. During a brief tour of the UK he spoke out - a challenge which coincided with reports of an assassination attempt on Baroness Caroline Cox in Nigeria by Fulani Islamic militants. Baroness Cox, a committed Christian, is a religious freedom campaigner and cross-bench member of the House of Lords. Umar’s plea also comes amid ongoing violence against Christians in Uganda. He warned, ‘Even in the UK, former Muslims who have converted to Christianity are not safe.’ He mentioned Nissar Hussain whose family had to be moved under police protection following years of harassment. ‘No country can say they are safe. It’s a matter of time. This is not prophecy; it’s reality. The UK is sitting on a time-bomb.’

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:03

Recently Prayer-Alert readers were asked to pray about the BBC reduction in Christian programming: http://www.prayer-alert.net/british-isles-ireland-pa-site/item/8828-bbc-reduction-in-christian-programming. This week BBC producer and presenter Roger Bolton said the BBC is ‘failing at a time of global crisis to take religion seriously’, adding, ‘it’s essential for the public, young people and immigrants to understand the crucial role of Christianity in the formation of British culture’. Many believe the BBC’s programming policy should reflect the core values of this nation - as unique to, and derived from, Christianity. They also believe that Christianity should be given more airtime than minority faiths. Bolton also said the lack of an experienced, dedicated head of religion and ethics was a strange contrast when BBC has ‘editors for almost everything under the sun’. Voice for Justice UK said this week, ‘Christianity has been ‘ideologically downgraded and marginalised in the media in recent years.’ They have now released a petition for Christians to sign on this issue, to be sent to the Government minister for culture, media and sport.

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:03

Corruption, family breakdown, immorality, poverty, debt, addictions, and crime affect and ruin people’s lives. Praise God that the Christian voluntary sector is doing much to alleviate needs and improve situations, but the Church also needs to develop a more powerful prophetic voice. Pray for Christians working in commerce, industry, government offices, NHS, social services, police, and wherever God has placed them, to speak out against injustice and corruption in the workplace and their communities. As the prophets were unafraid to say, ‘Woe to you who call evil good and good evil’, may we make our voices heard in the midst of today’s noises. Pray for a fresh anointing of power and love on intercessors to plead for our nation and the people around us. As we pray, ‘Lord, do something’, may we also pray, ‘Lord, what can I do?’

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:01

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, is providing a daily online reflection throughout Advent. The Archbishop said, ‘I love Advent, it’s a wonderful season of watching and waiting.’ Across the country denominations and organisations like Bible Lands, Salvation Army, Embrace and many more provide carol services, carol sheets, tips for organising community carol services or outreach nativity services, all-age church resources, and prayer booklets. They also offer many creative ideas for talks, schools resources, and Christian craft activities. Please pray for all the variety of Christmas outreach events organised for 2016. Also, remember those who find Christmas a difficult and challenging season, and those spending Christmas at home alone, or worse still on the streets and without a home. Pray for organisations like Shelter, Alabare, Crisis at Christmas, and churches supporting and helping vulnerable people at this time of year. See also:-http://www.alabare.co.uk/

Friday, 02 December 2016 11:01

Christian TV broadcaster SAT-7 broadcasts in the Middle East and North Africa and has just announced record viewership numbers of 21.5 million for its Arabic-language channels. Its audience has increased by 76% in the past five years. This remarkable growth is very encouraging, especially at a time when you would expect people to be preoccupied with hard-news channels due to the ongoing turmoil in the region. ‘One explanation for the growth might be that many people are deeply distressed by the situation in the Middle East: they have lost trust and hope in both their religious and political leadership, and they are looking for divine help and guidance. Many are emotionally tired and are searching for something to lift their spirits; some positive news; something that can encourage them. The messages of faith and hope that we broadcast are very attractive to many,’ says Dr Terence Ascott, founder and CEO of SAT-7.

Friday, 02 December 2016 10:59

Intercessors have been fervently praying for the Muslim world, and God is answering. Bibles for Mideast were miraculously protected when Muslim terrorists interrupted a mass baptism for fifty new Christians. A large dust storm quickly moved in, blocked the militants and drove them away, saving the believers. 10,000 Muslims across the Near East study the Bible together each week, according to Cry Out ministry. Prayer movements are sweeping across the region. Churches are going through renewals as they reach out to migrating Middle East and North African refugees. In Kurdish Iraq, the first Christian church in 1400 years has opened. In Iran, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Afghanistan, many are coming to Christ. 500 churches are planned to open next year in Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Egypt. In the Middle East people look for churches and Christians after having a vision of Jesus.

Friday, 06 May 2016 15:39

In this week following key elections around the UK, it is so timely that Christians can join together in this great wave of prayer for the evangelisation of our nation - praying 'Thy Kingdom Come'. Tens of thousands of Christians up and down England – and, increasingly, around the world – will be praying in the week of 8-15 May for more people to know the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ. Emails have been flowing in from far and wide, from parishes across a range of traditions and a variety of locations, from urban town centres to rural parishes, from the centre of England to the USA, from Bermuda to Brussels and Israel saying they are joining with us to hold prayer and Beacon Events. Canterbury Cathedral will live-stream their service over the internet (7pm on 15th May). See the WPC 3 things to pray video

Wednesday, 18 May 2011 12:00

Canon John Simons and Andy Page were privileged to attend the World Prayer Assembly in May, where John helped staff a Prayer Alert stand and Andy did some presentations on Using Technology for Prayer.

More than 9,000 people attended the event in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the Sentul Conference Centre - with another 2,000 on the waiting list.  Delegates were able to visit a 24-7 prayer room at the top of a Prayer Tower, which overlooks the region.

John Robb, the event organiser said after the event, 'God by His Spirit was working so many agendas in the lives of those who took part that it is impossible to recount all that happened or was reported. So many said their lives and ministries would never be the same. We have received encouraging reports from a number of nations as participants have begun to implement strategies of prayer mobilization and other actions that they were inspired to undertake during the WPA. Praise God for all He did and continues to do through this gathering! Following the conference, Crosswinds team member, Andy Page was asked by Pastor Austen Ukachi to assist him with mobilising prayer for Nigeria after a spirit filled plenary session meeting of the 30 Nigerian delegates.

The Prayer Alert Team were delighted with the interest in the project, with many people signing up to receive the weekly prayer bulletin.