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Displaying items by tag: South Korea

Friday, 31 May 2024 09:44

North / South Korea: balloon warfare

North Korea has launched over 260 balloons filled with rubbish into South Korea, leading authorities to warn residents to stay indoors and avoid touching the balloons and attached plastic bags, which contain ‘filthy waste and trash’. North Korea had threatened to do this in retaliation against South Korean activists' leaflet campaigns. Residents near Seoul received alerts to avoid outdoor activities and report any ‘unidentified objects’ to authorities. Photos on social media show balloons carrying items like toilet paper, soil, batteries, and possibly even faeces. South Korea's military, condemning the action as a violation of international law and a threat to public safety, have demanded that North Korea cease these actions. Historically, both Koreas have used balloons for propaganda.

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The USA, South Korea, and Japan are proposing a new multinational panel outside the UN to enforce sanctions against North Korea. Russia rejected renewing the UN panel which has monitored sanctions for fifteen years, and China abstained. The new panel, with support from allies like Australia and New Zealand, would aim to continue the UN’s work. Though lacking UN endorsement, it could monitor North Korea more effectively, and could also oversee human rights resolutions on North Korea. US ambassador Thomas-Greenfield is discussing options with South Korea and Japan. Noting that Moscow and Beijing have called for easing sanctions to restart diplomacy and ease humanitarian suffering in the impoverished nation, he urged them to reverse course, and stop rewarding North Korea's bad behaviour.

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The liberal opposition, led by the Democratic Party (DPK), has secured a significant election victory, winning 192 out of 300 seats in South Korea’s national assembly. The result is seen as a midterm assessment of President Yoon Suk Yeol's leadership, as his People Power Party (PPP) suffered a crushing defeat. His party leader has resigned, and the prime minister has offered to do so. The DPK will now be able to fast-track and push legislation through parliament. Its leader Lee Jae-myung may now be emboldened to consider another presidential run. Mr Yoon is under pressure to address a number of issues including rising food prices, a rapidly ageing population and an ongoing doctor's strike. His wife's involvement in a gift controversy and corruption allegations against senior PPP members add to his challenges. The DPK, while celebrating its victory, also faces its own controversies and internal struggles, including corruption allegations.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 31 August 2023 20:24

North / South Korea: praying for reunification

73 years ago an armistice was signed to divide North and South Korea. Now, millions of Koreans are praying for the reunification of the country. Each night for the past 17 years, from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am, South Korean intercessors with the Esther Prayer Movement gather to pray for the liberation of North Korea. The movement’s president said that North Korea has one of the world's worst qualities of life, the worst democracy, economic freedom, and freedom of speech; the most slavery, bribery and corruption. It is the worst persecutor of Christians. People in North Korea have no chance to listen to the Gospel, and they must idolise their dictator: ‘So we should make them free from their bondage. We pray for them.’ The North Korean underground church has 400,000 believers. South Koreans seek to spread the Gospel by floating across the water bottles filled with rice, money, and USB drives containing the Bible or Christian videos.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 November 2022 04:06

South Korea: Halloween horror

154 people were killed in a crush in South Korea's capital, Seoul. Twenty foreign nationals were among the dead, another 159 were injured. A jam of people developed as huge crowds gathered in a popular nightlife area for Halloween. Most victims were teenagers and adults in their 20s, the crush began in a narrow alley. A survivor said, ‘Even if you stand still, someone pushes you from the front and someone from the back. Like a wave. I realised something was wrong. I managed to climb onto a high step. People were suffocating, screaming, getting squeezed, falling. There were just too many people. I was on the step just watching everything happening. They didn’t know what to do and there was nothing I could do.’ There was nothing anyone could have done to save others or themselves. Some victims were unidentified because they were below the age of 17 or without an adult ID.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 26 August 2022 09:51

USA / South Korea military exercises

In recent years, the United States and South Korea have cancelled some of their regular drills and reduced others to computer simulations, to create space for diplomacy and allay Covid-19 concerns. But after North Korea dismissed South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol's offer to exchange denuclearisation steps and economic benefits, the USA and South Korea began their biggest combined military training in years on 22 August, heightening their defence posture against the growing North Korean nuclear threat. The Ulchi Freedom Shield exercises, which will continue until 1 September, include aircraft, warships, tanks, and potentially tens of thousands of troops. They could draw anger from Pyongyang, which has pushed its weapons testing activity to a record pace this year while repeatedly threatening conflicts with Seoul and Washington amid a prolonged stalemate in diplomacy. Some say North Korea sees the exercises as rehearsals for an invasion.

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On 25 May North Korea test-fired at least two ballistic missiles, just a day after Joe Biden left the region. One flew about 300 km, the other 750 km: they were the latest in a flurry of such launches in 2022. Japan’s defence minister said they were ‘unacceptable’, and South Korea called them ‘a grave provocation’.' Mr Biden visited both those countries, and agreed with the South Korean president to hold bigger military drills and deploy more US strategic assets if necessary, to deter North Korea’s intensifying weapons test.' He said that the USA was ‘prepared for anything North Korea does’.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:32

North Korean parallel Bible

A Bible using the idioms of North Korea in a side-by-side display with the form of Korean spoken in the south is ministering to the hearts of defectors and may be a tool God uses for the eventual reunification between north and south. It has been developed by Cornerstone Ministries, which spent eight years on the New Testament and 15 years on the entire Bible. The project began with a simple request: ‘North Korean believers who received and read the Korean Bible requested that we publish the Bible in Korean using idioms and phraseology they could easily understand.’ Cornerstone delivered the Bibles to 3,500 defectors in the South during the Christmas season. After one defector received a Bible and read it slowly he said, ‘The text was very nice and familiar. There are some parts of the revised Bible that we defectors had difficulty understanding. However, for me as a North Korean reading this translation the words “Yes” came out of my mouth.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 September 2021 21:19

North Korea fires more missiles

North Korea launched two ballistic missiles into waters off its eastern coast on 15 September. South Korea and US intelligence are analysing details about the launches. The missiles landed outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone, in the waters between Japan and the Korean peninsula. Prime minister Yoshihide Suga called the firings absolutely outrageous, threatening the peace and safety of Japan and the region. He said, ‘Our government is determined to step up our vigilance and surveillance to be prepared for any contingencies.’ The firings came just two days after North Korea tested a newly developed missile capable of hitting targets 930 miles away. North Korea has ignored Washington’s offers to resume negotiations to abandon its nuclear programme.

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What began as an activity restriction in South Korea is turning into an assault on religious freedom. In June, police stopped Voice of the Martyrs Korea from sending Bibles across the border to North Korea. Today, the ministry and its co-founder, Eric Foley, face criminal investigations. ‘Balloon launching has been difficult since we began in 2005. However, now there is a large scale effort to declare balloon launching illegal’, Foley explains. ‘It’s unclear, at this point, how things will go.’ He said the government’s motives and methods remain dubious, as launching has become a deeply political subject. He added, ‘North Korea made a very public offensive against balloon launching that was adopted by South Korean authorities. This was the impetus to say it is illegal, not through new laws, but through the application of other laws. The issue is not about balloon launching; it’s about the legal right to do private ministry work outside government mediation.’

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