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Displaying items by tag: young children

Friday, 12 July 2019 13:15

‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ in libraries

On Saturday 27 July, ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ is scheduled from 2.30 to 3.30pm, at Wembley Library, in Brent Civic Centre,Wembley. It will be promoting homosexuality, and the Brent Council website says it is for children as young as 5. The council advertises the event as, ‘Panto/drag queen Mama G debuts in Brent Libraries for the launch of the Summer Reading Challenge with a Space Chase Pride story time which celebrates both achievements in space exploration and the LGBTQ+ angle to tie in with Pride festivities nationwide. Enjoy fun, laugh out loud heart-warming stories, with lots of participation, about being who you are. For children aged 5 to 11.’

Published in British Isles