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Displaying items by tag: welcome

Thursday, 07 November 2019 23:05

Belgium: church welcomes migrants

The parish of Riches Claires has a dedicated committee that has worked for thirty years helping new arrivals to Europe. For many residents in Brussels the Christian outreach was a key step for their integration into the city. Most refugees in the church arrive after fleeing their countries of origin for economic or political reasons. However, arriving in their new home has not been easy for most, particularly those from Latin America who, for the most part, had to learn from scratch the intricacies of the local language. ‘The uprooting of our culture, of leaving our family members and leaving our friends is very painful,’ said Zoraida, a Colombian human rights defender. Over the years, the church community has evolved following the migratory waves. The first to arrive were Spaniards, then Chileans. More recently, it has been Venezuelans and Central Americans fleeing violence.

Published in Europe
Friday, 10 March 2017 11:25

Friday Focus - becoming welcoming churches

In Acts we are told the church enjoyed the favour of all the people. What reputation does your church have – austere? cliquey? unreal? judgmental? Or is it seen as warm and welcoming to everyone in your community? Is it a place that shows God’s goodness? God’s mercy is wonderful - it can reach anyone. Let it fill our hearts.

(Steve Botham, World Prayer Centre)

Published in British Isles
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