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Displaying items by tag: two stabbing incidents

Thursday, 18 April 2024 21:33

Australia: two stabbings in Sydney

Sydney is reeling after two knife attacks within three days. At Bondi Junction, Joel Cauchi, who had a history of mental illness, killed six people and injured others. At a church in Wakeley, a teenager injured a bishop and several others, but there were no fatalities. Despite both incidents causing fear, they have been treated differently by authorities. The Wakeley stabbing was declared a terror incident, while the Bondi Junction attack was not. This has caused puzzlement: the local Islamic Council ‘found it bewildering’, and said, ‘The signal this sends to the Australian community is that terrorism is solely reserved for Muslims.’ The investigation into the Bondi Junction attack continues, focusing on the perpetrator's motives and actions. One of the men who confronted Cauchi has been promised a renewal of his temporary visa: see

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