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Displaying items by tag: threat of split

A group of church leaders is taking a stand and threatening to split the Church of England over a vote on blessings for same-sex couples. Bishops have proposed trial standalone church services for gay and lesbian couples, pending a formal vote on making the change permanent. Over 25 church leaders have written to the Archbishops of York and Canterbury, warning that such a change could be 'unlawful' and claiming that the proposal departs from the Church’s doctrine. While priests can offer blessings within services, standalone services for same-sex blessings are not yet permitted, as some argue it equates to same-sex marriages. The General Synod will debate the issue next week. The Alliance, a conservative group supported by 2,000 clergy members, prepared the letter. It warns that further departure from the Church’s doctrine will force them to establish a new 'parallel province'.

Published in British Isles