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Displaying items by tag: alliance

A group of church leaders is taking a stand and threatening to split the Church of England over a vote on blessings for same-sex couples. Bishops have proposed trial standalone church services for gay and lesbian couples, pending a formal vote on making the change permanent. Over 25 church leaders have written to the Archbishops of York and Canterbury, warning that such a change could be 'unlawful' and claiming that the proposal departs from the Church’s doctrine. While priests can offer blessings within services, standalone services for same-sex blessings are not yet permitted, as some argue it equates to same-sex marriages. The General Synod will debate the issue next week. The Alliance, a conservative group supported by 2,000 clergy members, prepared the letter. It warns that further departure from the Church’s doctrine will force them to establish a new 'parallel province'.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 September 2023 21:59

Russia: Putin seeking military aid from North Korea

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un toasted their friendship with Russian wine after Putin showed Kim around the country's most modern space launch facility. Kim is currently in Russia, where he has vowed to support the Kremlin's ‘sacred war’ against Ukraine, raising concerns that the two nations could bolster their military capabilities. At the end of the reception, Kim courteously invited Putin to visit the DPRK at a convenient time. Putin accepted the invitation with pleasure and reaffirmed his desire invariably to carry forward the history and tradition of the Russia-DPRK friendship. They also held talks alongside their defence ministers and called each other ‘comrades’. The growing friendship has concerned the West that North Korea will supply Russia with weapons. The USA said that this visit has made it clear that Putin will set aside any concern to achieve victory in Ukraine. If an arms deal was reached, the USA would slap additional sanctions on them. In a further surprise development, Kim has extended his stay in Russia: see

Published in Europe