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Displaying items by tag: scripture

Friday, 05 August 2022 10:36

Holy Spirit moves in Brazil

Two years ago, World Missionary Press (WMP) sent 6.4 million Scripture booklets to ministry partners through a project called ‘Blessings for Brazil’. WMP freight coordinator Helen Williams says she is flooded with reports of the Holy Spirit changing hearts. ‘The feedback is overwhelming as our distributors describe new opportunities; one ministry is sending 500 boxes a time to distribution points for pastors. There are places being reached that have never been reached because of the lack of resources. Some use Scripture booklets in the inner city, others take them to remote jungle tribal villages. Optician teams use Scripture booklets for their eye test reading charts. Where literacy is marginal, teachers use the booklets to teach the language - their lesson plan is the Scripture booklet. Eight million more booklets will go out before the end of 2022.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 April 2017 17:21

Buses display Bible verses at Easter

London buses are featuring Bible verses this Easter as part of the ‘Quote Jesus’ bus campaign. Revelation TV is spearheading the campaign. Scriptures including ‘Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die,’ ‘In my Father's house there are many mansions,’ and ‘I am the way, the truth and the life,’ will be displayed on 75 London Routemaster buses. The campaign will run for two weeks. Promoters said, 'In the wake of Westminster’s attacks the lack of hope is becoming an issue in this generation. We think the Bible has a lot to say about hope, and our vision is to influence the hearts, minds and perceptions of people, offering them hope and faith for a better future.’ Revelation TV want the campaign to draw people to Scripture, and to find hope amid a world filled with chaos, violence, and hopelessness.

Published in Praise Reports