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Displaying items by tag: rural churches

Friday, 05 July 2019 10:41

Rural church and mission

Rural Christian leaders find it increasingly difficult to maintain hope, energy and creativity for mission. There are, however, encouraging signs as people across rural Britain seek God together in regular prayer for their communities and take the initiative as He leads. Prayer in and for particular villages has led to Bible studies, community choirs, retreat days and coffee shops. New disciples are being formed. Pray for a multiplication of local prayer teams, and join them in praying that the Lord will send the rain of His Holy Spirit. Pray for a fulfilment of God’s promise: ‘When the poor and needy seek water I, the Lord, will answer’. (Isaiah 41:17)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 14 February 2019 22:10

Mission and rural life

Church buildings are both an asset and a liability. There are far more church buildings per capita in rural areas than in urban ones. But there are fewer people in them, and many struggle to stay open, well-maintained and (at this time of year) warm. Yet some rural congregations have found creative new ways to use their buildings to reach out to their communities. Pray that for a right attitude to rural church buildings, that they may be houses of joyful prayer for all. Also, DEFRA reports that 16% of rural households were in relative income poverty in 2017. Low-income households in rural areas struggle with poorer access to low-cost supermarkets, higher transport and heating costs, and low-paid seasonal employment. 28% of foodbanks are located in rural areas. Pray for policy-makers in national and local government as they seek to address these issues.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:19

Rural Mission Sunday

On 15 July rural churches across the country celebrated ‘Rural Mission Sunday’, with special services and other events. Pray that all who attended these events will take back to their communities fresh expressions of God’s love and purposes. May they not be robbed of the Christian input and inspiration they received. Pray that our rural churches will continue to grow in strength and mission. In villages across Britain there are still remnants of former rivalries between different denominations, yet the Church is not restricted to one or the other human institution; there is one flock and one Shepherd. Pray for the Lord to gather His people together in fellowship, prayer and mission, whatever their denominational allegiance.

Published in British Isles