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Displaying items by tag: church buildings

Thursday, 04 February 2021 20:51

Turkey: escalation of religious freedom violations

International Christian Concern (ICC) has observed a marked increase of reported religious freedom violations within Turkey since the start of the New Year. While most of these recent violations impact church buildings, they also include a lack of interest by the authorities in pursuing and protecting justice for Christian victims. Churches are seen as a source of income both by the government (faith tourism) and by society (treasure hunters). Otherwise, church buildings are neglected by the government and often turned into mosques. Pray for the protection and perseverance of believers in Turkey. Pray that the government will honor Christian landmarks and churches.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 February 2019 22:10

Mission and rural life

Church buildings are both an asset and a liability. There are far more church buildings per capita in rural areas than in urban ones. But there are fewer people in them, and many struggle to stay open, well-maintained and (at this time of year) warm. Yet some rural congregations have found creative new ways to use their buildings to reach out to their communities. Pray that for a right attitude to rural church buildings, that they may be houses of joyful prayer for all. Also, DEFRA reports that 16% of rural households were in relative income poverty in 2017. Low-income households in rural areas struggle with poorer access to low-cost supermarkets, higher transport and heating costs, and low-paid seasonal employment. 28% of foodbanks are located in rural areas. Pray for policy-makers in national and local government as they seek to address these issues.

Published in British Isles