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Displaying items by tag: royal family

The Princess of Wales has shared her relief at completing her chemotherapy in a heartfelt and very personal video message - a markedly different approach from the usual formal bulletins from Kensington Palace. After her cancer diagnosis in March, Catherine has remained largely out of the public eye. She described her journey through treatment as ‘incredibly tough’, marked by a profound sense of vulnerability and a new perspective on life. While she has finished this phase of treatment, it remains unclear if she is cancer-free, and a full recovery is expected to take time. She expects to participate in a few engagements later this year, maybe including a Remembrance Day event and her annual Christmas carol concert. Despite the ongoing challenges, she expresses a renewed sense of hope and appreciation for life, acknowledging the long path ahead in her recovery. Her last public appearance was at Wimbledon in July, where she received a standing ovation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 20 June 2024 21:59

Kate and her royal 'secret weapon'

The Princess of Wales frequently turns to Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, for support during her cancer treatment, according to royal experts. Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year, Prince Edward and Sophie have become key figures in the Royal Family. Their modest 1999 wedding reflected their down-to-earth nature. Sophie’s charm and humility have helped her grow into her role without fanfare, earning her the title of the family's 'secret weapon.' She shares a sister-like bond with Kate, offering guidance and support during critical times. Her deep relationships within the family and her unassuming approach have made her one of the most loved members of the royal family; her commitment to her duties and her charitable work highlight her importance, as she balances royal responsibilities with her personal life. Her steadfast support during Kate’s health challenges exemplifies her role as a confidante and friend within the royal circle.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 October 2023 20:58

British royals condemn Hamas attacks as terrorism

The British royal family has publicly condemned Hamas as terrorists and expressed their dismay at the attacks on Israel. King Charles and the Prince and Princess of Wales have all criticised the group's actions. The comments come as the BBC faces pressure to refer to Hamas as terrorists rather than militants. The controversy regarding this reluctance has sparked debate among political figures and former executives. The BBC has defended its stance, stating that using the term ‘terrorist’ could compromise journalistic impartiality. Critics argue that by not using the term, the BBC is taking sides, and claim that it fails to accurately report acts of terrorism and war crimes. Despite the debate, the royal family remains focused on supporting interfaith and inter-community dialogue and promoting peace and understanding in challenging times. The King has a history of engaging in peace efforts in the region, including visits to Israel and the West Bank.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 May 2023 10:16

Justin Welby’s coronation sermon

An excerpt from Justin Welby’s sermon: ‘The weight of the task given you today, Your Majesties, is only bearable by the Spirit of God, who gives us the strength to give our lives to others. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the King is given freely what no ruler can ever attain through will, or politics, or war, or tyranny: the Holy Spirit draws us to love in action. This is promised by Jesus who put aside all privilege, because, as the first reading tells us, God will give all things for our sake, even his life. His throne was a Cross. His crown was made of thorns. His regalia were the wounds that pierced his body. Each of us is called by God to serve. Whatever that looks like in our own lives, each of us can choose God’s way today. We can say to the King of Kings, God himself, as does the King here today, “Give grace that in thy service I may find perfect freedom”.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 September 2022 22:39

A prayer for King Charles

Father, we ask You to give the King knowledge of Your ways; may Your Spirit guide all his decisions. May he rule with righteousness and justice. In his days may the United Kingdom flourish and peace abound. May he lead with a servant's heart and humility. And should his tasks and agendas appear to be overwhelming, Father, give him strength from heaven so that the role of leadership never tires him. May he not rely on himself but rely on You. Your Word reminds us that we can do all things through You who strengthens us. Therefore, Lord, we pray that King Charles will freely trust and lean on You. May he realise that You see things better than he ever will, and that he can do all things through Christ. Father, please help him to uphold our laws and rule with compassion and understanding in every situation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 15 September 2022 23:17

Upheaval for royal children

The Prince and Princess of Wales will delay moving into Windsor Castle in order to avoid more upheaval for their children after moving house just a week ago. The couple had hoped to bring a dose of normality to their three children’s lives by living in the four-bedroomed Adelaide Cottage on the Windsor estate and doing daily school runs to Lambrook School. For George, Charlotte and Louis, their first day at a new school was exciting, meeting new teachers and new friends as they embarked on their school careers. It was a milestone moment - the first time they have all been at the same school together. But now Queen Elizabeth’s death means that they moved house, had their first day at a new school and lost their great-grandmother ,in the space of six days. The Prince and Princess of Wales will eventually move into Windsor Castle or one of the larger houses on the Windsor estate.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 15 September 2022 23:14

Preparing for the Queen’s funeral

Early on 15 September a major rehearsal took place for the 4,500-strong military parade ahead of the funeral of the Queen on the 19th. The funeral will be the biggest parade of its kind in living memory. Pray for God to bless all the many preparations now taking place. On the 15th the King had a private day of reflection, not attending any public events. This provided him with a break from public duties while preparing for his new role. Other members of the royal family will represent the monarchy by lighting candles, viewing floral tributes and books of condolences in various cities. Pray for the royal family in the days before the funeral; may they be blessed with peace and stamina.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:26

Give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II

It was announced on 8 September that the Queen had died following a short illness, attended by all four of her children. She was Britain’s longest reigning sovereign and the world’s oldest monarch. On 6 September she had presided over the ceremonial handover of power to new prime minister Liz Truss at Balmoral, her summer residence. Her oldest son, now King Charles III, said his mother's death was a moment of ‘the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family’. Justin Welby said, ‘As we grieve together, we know that, in losing our beloved Queen, we have lost the person whose steadfast loyalty, service, and humility has helped us make sense of who we are.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 21 April 2022 21:38

The Queen

We pray for our Queen on her 96th Birthday. Lord, You bless us that we might bless others and so in the Name of Jesus, we speak blessing over the Queen’s life. We pray for health, strength and long life, and for You to surround her with honour as with a shield. We pray for boldness and increased wisdom. In her 1978 Christmas message she said, ‘Christians have the compelling example of the life and teaching of Christ and, for myself, I would like nothing better that my grandchildren should hold dear his ideals which have helped and inspired so many previous generations.’ So we pray, in the name of Jesus, over her wishes for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, including Prince William and Prince Harry. May they not only hold to Christ’s ideals but know the God from whom they come and for faith in Jesus to lead and guide them. May they understand the gift of reconciliation and the power of forgiveness.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 23 September 2021 22:24

Princess Beatrice gives birth to a girl

On 18 September the Queen's granddaughter, Princess Beatrice, gave birth to a baby girl weighing 6lb 2oz, at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Buckingham Palace said the princess and her daughter were doing well, and the baby's grandparents and great-grandparents were ‘delighted’. The baby will be 11th in line to the throne and the Queen's 12th great-grandchild. Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, the baby’s father, will pass on the official Italian title of Nobile Donna, which translates to Noble Woman.

Published in Praise Reports
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