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Displaying items by tag: Sophie

Thursday, 20 June 2024 21:59

Kate and her royal 'secret weapon'

The Princess of Wales frequently turns to Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, for support during her cancer treatment, according to royal experts. Celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this year, Prince Edward and Sophie have become key figures in the Royal Family. Their modest 1999 wedding reflected their down-to-earth nature. Sophie’s charm and humility have helped her grow into her role without fanfare, earning her the title of the family's 'secret weapon.' She shares a sister-like bond with Kate, offering guidance and support during critical times. Her deep relationships within the family and her unassuming approach have made her one of the most loved members of the royal family; her commitment to her duties and her charitable work highlight her importance, as she balances royal responsibilities with her personal life. Her steadfast support during Kate’s health challenges exemplifies her role as a confidante and friend within the royal circle.

Published in British Isles