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Displaying items by tag: prayer event

Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:48

Zoom prayer event for children

On Monday 3 August, at 7pm (UK) / 2pm (EDT) / 11am (PDT), intercessors are gathering for an hour to pray for vulnerable children around the world. Participants will hear some updates from Viva Together for Children’s partner networks to inform their prayers and praise, before breaking into small groups to intercede together. May many hundreds gather to plead with one heart and one mind for the situations that desperately require prayers at present, with the coronavirus affecting the whole world in many different ways. Now is the time to gather and pray with one heart and mind. To find out more about Viva and the prayer hour, click on the ‘More’ link.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:31

D Day Prayers in Parliament Square

Thursday 6 June is a significant day for our nation. This year, we mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day when allied nations came together in a tremendous act of courage, sacrifice and God’s divine intervention – that became the turning point in World War II. It is the day before Prime Minister May resigns, and we can entrust our nation to the hands of God, as we enter the next chapter of our history. Christians believe in the power that comes from heaven when we come together in prayer. We may all have different views, but we can unite in praying for God’s will. ‘Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done’ for the UK. In a mark of solidarity between nations that characterised D-Day, the event will have minority churches lead prayers in Parliament Square, London between 7 and 8 pm on Thursday 6 June, or at other prayer events on the day across the nation.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 11 January 2019 12:04

Praying for Britain

Our country is in crisis. Our whole future is in question. Britain - once a Godly nation - has now turned away from God. Brexit and the authority of the Bible have divided church and state. You are invited to a Day of Prayer on 26 January at the SSE Arena, Wembley. We can change Britain through the power of united prayer. Intercessions will be led by David Hathaway, Clifford Hill, Rev Betty King, Andrea Williams, Lou Engle, Bishop John Francis, Pastor Nims Obunge, Rachel Hickson, Rev Yemi Adedeji, Pastor Tobi Adeboyega, James Aladiran, Apostle Elijah Chanak, and others. For information and tickets click the ‘More’ button. For other upcoming events, including prayer and fasting from 14 to 16 January for the Brexit vote in Parliament on the 15th, go to

Published in British Isles
Friday, 28 September 2018 00:34

South Africa: ‘Uprising’

A youth prayer movement is springing up in the nations, and South Africa’s ‘Uprising’ event (4 to 6 October) is about to ignite the spiritual atmosphere over South Africa. Their website states, ‘We, the youth, are saying that we are uniting in prayer, rising as a body of young people, forming a revival wave, taking a stand, marching to the gates of Hell to give the devil back his surname and take our identity back. Black or white, every tribe, we are putting our differences aside and praying non-stop with every young person across South Africa, Africa and around the world, because where there is united prayer (Psalm 133:1-3) God is present, and where God is, there is hope, love, transformation and honour.’ We can ask God to protect all delegates travelling to the event, and for the strength and stamina of organisers and speakers. Pray for consistent electricity and internet supplies into the venue to enable clear, far-reaching teaching and fluid unbroken worship.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 27 April 2018 00:29

Taiwan: praying for fire to fall

At 9am on the fourth day of the ‘Hot Fire Special’, a long queue outside a basketball stadium in Taipei waited to enter and fill over 6,000 seats. Christians from home and abroad were praying in unison in a four-day call, ‘Lord, send fire’. In the front row, on the field, in the back row, hands raised high, hands low, standing, sitting, crouching, with loud shouts or struggling to cry - ‘Lord! Come to us! Come and fill us!’ They shouted, ‘We will give God a space to intervene in our hopeless life’, and ‘There must be a space reserved for God to work in our hearts.’ Pastor Zhang Zhenhua said, ‘When God has a great plan, He will not give you strategy in advance, He gives you a vision. God uses visions to motivate dead faith.’ Thousands in the stadium had a vision for God’s fire to fall on their nation, for the resurrection work of the Holy Spirit.

Published in Worldwide