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Displaying items by tag: international

Cover Africa in Prayer - from Cairo to Cape Town and from Madagascar to Cape Verde -

As part of the International Day of Prayer for Africa, One God – One Day – One Africa and its partners from all around the world will pray for Africa from 06:00 to 22:00 CAT (Central Africa Time).

We are so excited because a week later the One God – One Day – One Africa celebrations will take place.

On 12-15 November our partners will host large Gospel crusades in almost every country of Africa. They will be broadcast all over the continent. Additionally, thousands of African evangelists committed to bringing the Good News to remote villages during that time.

Join, pray with us!

Set time aside to pray with us on 6 November. Let's storm the heavenly throne room and ask for breakthroughs in every nation of Africa. Let's pray for an end to the pandemic, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and of course many open hearts to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Download Africa Flyer Download International Flyer

Make a commitment to pray for an African country NOW at www.1GDA.org/prayerday

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Thursday, 30 July 2020 21:48

Zoom prayer event for children

On Monday 3 August, at 7pm (UK) / 2pm (EDT) / 11am (PDT), intercessors are gathering for an hour to pray for vulnerable children around the world. Participants will hear some updates from Viva Together for Children’s partner networks to inform their prayers and praise, before breaking into small groups to intercede together. May many hundreds gather to plead with one heart and one mind for the situations that desperately require prayers at present, with the coronavirus affecting the whole world in many different ways. Now is the time to gather and pray with one heart and mind. To find out more about Viva and the prayer hour, click on the ‘More’ link.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 September 2017 10:36

Theresa May condemns modern slavery

Theresa May has told the UN that people need to wake up to the horrors of modern-day slavery, and victims must have confidence to come forward and be given the support they need. She added, ‘Modern slavery will only be defeated by making more people aware of the horrific abuses going on in their own communities’. The Prime Minister has the power to do something about this on the international platform. Two years ago, as home secretary, she brought in the most up-to-date laws in the world to crack down on modern slave-drivers. On 19 September she spoke out in an attempt to secure a global commitment by the UN to acknowledge the scandal and unite with tough action against the perpetrators. She urged leaders ‘to work collaboratively and internationally’, and ‘to look at their own situation’.

Published in British Isles