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Displaying items by tag: piracy

Thursday, 25 July 2019 23:31

Iran’s piracy and British ships

Currently events in the gulf are operating just below the threshold of all-out war between Iran and the UK/USA over the Straits of Hormuz. On 24 July Al-Jazeera reported that President Rouhani has suggested that, if the United Kingdom releases its tanker seized off the coast of Gibraltar earlier this month, his country will return a British-flagged vessel it apprehended last week. Rouhani made the purported offer during a weekly cabinet meeting, assuring an ‘appropriate response from Iran’ if the UK stepped away from the ‘wrong actions in Gibraltar’. Boris Johnson will immediately have to deal with the crisis over Iran and the deployment of a European-led maritime protection mission which the previous Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt announced on 22 July. Six tankers have been sabotaged in six weeks: see

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 November 2018 00:20

Christian ministry to seafarers

The Sailors' Society, an international charity based in Southampton, started a crisis response network (CRN) in South Africa in 2015, providing trauma care and counselling wherever necessary. This network provided support to its 100th case this week, with piracy, death at sea and abandonment accounting for 59% of those supported. 26% of those seeking crisis response were affected by piracy. The CRN now has 52 chaplains trained to offer crisis support to seafarers around the world. The International Maritime Bureau saw 107 actual or attempted attacks in the past six months, up from 87 in the same period of last year, with Nigeria and Indonesia the main piracy hotspots. On 31 October, eleven seafarers were seized by pirates off the Nigerian coast. Piracy, and the fear of piracy, is a massive issue for seafarers.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 November 2017 13:42

Mediterranean facing security challenges

This year, 2,800 refugees and migrants have perished in the Mediterranean, while countless others died crossing the Sahel desert. The UN Secretary General said there is displacement, and discrimination against refugees and increasing xenophobia that needs addressing.    There is a need to re-establish the integrity of the refugee protection regime on both sides of the Mediterranean. Challenges facing the region include illicit trade in narcotics, weapons and petroleum products, refugees and migrants managed by smugglers, traffickers, and maritime pirates. (The Mediterranean Sea provides economic resources of hydrocarbons, fish stocks and invaluable trade routes.) But its benefits depend on stability and security cooperation.

Published in Europe