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Displaying items by tag: crisis

Thursday, 21 March 2024 21:44

MPs warn of 'unsustainable' social care crisis

A critical report from the Commons public accounts committee has warned of a deepening crisis in adult social care, leaving millions vulnerable. Chronic understaffing, rising waiting lists, and inconsistent funding have put immense pressure on councils. The sector, grappling with a shortage of essential staff and financial strain, is described as being 'on its knees'. Local authorities supported over a million people at a cost of £23.7 billion in 2022/23, yet concerns persist about funding effectiveness and the exploitation of care sector staff. The department of health has been urged to provide stable funding and clear leadership to address these challenges and to fulfil its ten-year vision for sector reform. Meanwhile, in the ongoing Covid inquiry a key role is being played by organisations which represent those affected by the pandemic, particularly in the care sector, including families and carers, many still dealing with trauma. Their efforts include pushing for Gloria’s Law, inspired by the plight of actress Ruthie Henshall’s mother, Gloria, who experienced isolation and deterioration in care during the lockdown.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 January 2024 21:23

Global: average temperatures hottest ever

2023 has been declared the hottest year on record by European agency Copernicus, which monitors climate data. The average temperature increase was almost 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, a significant jump. Several factors contributed to this record-breaking heat. Elevated greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, played a major role, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, natural climate patterns like El Niño and La Niña influenced regional temperatures and weather events. The consequences of this extreme heat are far-reaching. It leads to more frequent and severe weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and intense rainfall - posing serious threats to ecosystems, agriculture, and human populations. International agreements, like the Paris Agreement, aim to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Achieving these goals requires a collective commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices across various sectors. The report underscores the importance of addressing climate change promptly to mitigate its impacts and protect the planet's future.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:40

Germany: coalition government faces budget crisis

A budget crisis in Germany has struck at the heart of the ambitions of the ruling Green Party within the coalition government led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The crisis centres around a significant budget shortfall, partly caused by the Greens' ambitious climate policies and the economic impact of the Covid pandemic. The Greens had planned to invest heavily in green initiatives, but the financial constraints have forced them to reconsider and scale back their plans. The crisis has also highlighted tensions within the coalition, with the Greens pushing for increased borrowing to fund their projects, while others are concerned about the country's fiscal stability. Chancellor Scholz faces the challenge of finding a balance between green policies and economic responsibility.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 13 October 2022 20:29

Haiti asks for military help to curb chaos

Haiti is in such a bad political, economic and security crisis that the USA has urged its citizens to leave the country. The government authorised prime minister Henry to ask the world for military help to stop gangs paralysing the country and causing a major humanitarian disaster. Powerful gangs have blocked the country's main fuel terminal since September, crippling basic water and food supplies. It is not clear to whom the request for intervention has been sent, and in what form the help would be given. The UN said, ‘We remain extremely concerned about the security situation in Haiti and the impact it is having on the Haitian people and on our ability to do our work, especially in the humanitarian sphere.’ Eight people died recently from cholera, raising concerns of a potential health crisis. Pray for the USA to act on Haiti’s previous request for a humanitarian corridor to restore fuel distribution.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 September 2022 09:53

Myanmar: junta burning thousands of homes

The military junta continues to bomb civilians, and over 28,000 homes have been burnt down since the February 2021 coup. As order breaks down, soaring food prices cause a hunger crisis. Many are fleeing Myanmar if they get a chance. AMG has established a camp with over fifty homes for refugee families and two hostels for lone children. An AMG member met a young Christian woman at the camp who suffered watching her mother abused and scarred by her alcoholic father. Then her mother became a Christian and prayed fervently for her father. Miraculously, he came to Christ and left his drinking and drugs. As the military violence approached, her parents sent her across the border to safety. Myanmar females live in fear of being sexually assaulted by the military. One boy came into the hostel for lone children traumatised, always wanting to fight others. Now, his voice has been heard singing with other children. Pray for God’s protection over refugee camps.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 28 July 2022 22:28

NHS crisis

An MP social care report said the large number of NHS job vacancies is a serious risk to staff and patient safety. England needs 12,000 more hospital doctors (it takes six years to train one) and 50,000+ nurses and midwives, in the worst-ever NHS workforce crisis. Current projections estimate a million new jobs will need to be filled in health and social care by the early part of the next decade. Extra staff will be needed to keep up with rising demands as the population gets older and healthcare becomes more complex and technologically advanced. The situation is compounded by the absence of a long-term plan by the Government to tackle it. 28% of staff experienced at least one incident of bullying or abuse in the past year. Sajid Javid said the Government was not on track to deliver its manifesto commitment to increase GPs in England by 6,000, and NHS pensions arrangements allow senior doctors to retire or reduce their hours and become better-off.

Published in British Isles

The World Bank has extended another year of financial aid to Lebanon despite political bickering. Inflation reached 206% in April, Lebanon’s currency dropped yet again last week, and Heart for Lebanon reports shortages of everything from electricity to fuel to bread. Everything costs more, and 78% of the population needs some kind of food assistance to survive. They are becoming more desperate every day. Divisions are deepening among the newly-elected parliament members. Fighting between parties that are for and against Hezbollah is taking priority over much-needed reform. People are looking for answers. They are turning to God in record numbers. Heart for Lebanon and local churches provide food and encouragement to families, showing them the love of Christ before telling them about the love of Christ. Ask God to strengthen and encourage Lebanese believers. They are staying put to care for people in need, instead of leaving the country to benefit themselves.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 May 2022 09:10

North Korea: sudden lockdown ordered

In late April, North Korea confirmed its first Covid cases and suspended overland trade with China (which had been resumed in January) after a surge of Chinese cases. The reclusive nation has repeatedly shunned international offers of vaccines, and has been forced into two years of strict isolation to stop the pandemic from crippling the already weak healthcare system. But blocking commerce with China, their largest trade partner, has upset an economy damaged by decades of mismanagement and punishing international sanctions. A serious lack of rainfall in the second worst drought since records began is disrupting farming and food supplies. Despite alarm over Omicron spreading, Kim Jong-Un has ordered scheduled construction, agricultural development and other state projects to continue, decreeing that ‘single-minded public unity is the most powerful guarantee that can win in this anti-pandemic fight.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 24 March 2022 21:25

Loan sharks and cost of living crisis

Price increases are making it tougher for households to make ends meet, and unlicensed lenders offer loans to the desperate at astronomical interest rates. Last year the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) researched 3,363 people. One in forty were borrowing from unlicensed lenders. CSJ thinks there are about a million people in England doing this. ‘Overwhelmingly, people borrow when they're desperate. For everyday costs of living, like a gas or electricity bill, or a pram, and then they get exploited by those seeking to extort them for as much money as they can get out of them, offering arbitrary terms, little to no paperwork and an extortionate repayment rate.’ ‘It's just endless,’ one victim said: 'I went from a £150 loan to owing £6,000 in months'. The CSJ report highlights separate data from 1,252 victims, questioned last year by the Illegal Money Lending Team, which prosecutes loan sharks in England. The figures suggest the borrowers are among the poorest in society.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:22

Africa / Asia: food crises

The Horn of Africa is in crisis with drought and food insecurity. 20 million are impacted or in need of aid; pray for the survival needs of both livestock and humans to be met after three failed rainy seasons back to back. In Somalia 4.3 million people are hungry, and people fear a repeat of the 2012 famine. In Ethiopia, the drought is compounding the humanitarian disaster of the war in the country’s north, while in neighbouring Kenya’s pastoralist zone, the loss of cattle is triggering raids and clashes between communities. In Myanmar farmers say the 2021 coup worsened food insecurity and is nothing short of a disaster. Humanitarian needs multiply and continue to spiral. One million people needed aid before the coup; now it’s 14 million. 500,000 people have been displaced since the coup, a quarter of the population is food insecure and violent new conflicts spread in a new wave of anti-coup militias. ‘There is fear everywhere’, one aid worker said.

Published in Worldwide
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