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Displaying items by tag: fireball

Friday, 01 November 2019 00:35

Engulfed in fireball, prayer aids recovery

Fred’s body was engulfed in a flame in a tragic accident. He rolled on the ground, but there was extensive damage to his arms and legs. He was airlifted to a burn centre in a critical condition. Julie, his wife, prayed. ‘I knew God was there: I just prayed the whole time that he’d be okay.’ Doctors were amazed that Fred’s lungs and airways were undamaged by the fireball. After only two days in ICU, his circulation was remarkably better - but then infection set in and his condition deteriorated. Julie redoubled her prayers, requesting intercession from family and church. They also prayed with him before his surgery. Doctors said he might be unable to work for six months. But God heard their prayers! Ten days after his last skin graft, Fred was released from hospital, and returned to work a month later.

Published in Praise Reports