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Displaying items by tag: declaration

Thursday, 10 March 2022 20:44

Russia: Putin has used conscripts

The Russian military have admitted that conscripts (drafted against their will) have been sent into Ukraine. Previously Putin had repeatedly denied this. It suggests that his initial planned swift takeover with professional soldiers failed. Conscripts going to Ukraine and coming home in body bags could be politically dangerous for him and have a more immediate impact on Russian public and influential opinion than any sanctions or corporate departures. Many believe the former KGB spymaster is trying to revive Russia's tsarist greatness and restore the Soviet Union might prior to its 1991 break-up. Proverbs 6 says that the Lord hates an evildoer: verse 15 declares, ‘Disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed, without remedy.’

Published in Europe
Thursday, 09 May 2019 23:25

A spiritual Magna Carta

As we pray for the UK - nations are shaking - the referendum challenges - what will our nation look like in future years? Change can bring opportunity, and God hears our prayers. This is the time to knock on heaven’s door for His kingdom to come on earth. Last year was the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. It was not immediately successful, but it did shape our nation for the following centuries. This is the 801st anniversary, the beginning of a new season. In 2016 young people across the United Kingdom declared a spiritual Magna Carta to shape and establish the government and fabric of our nation for this generation and those to come. Prayer Alert intercessors are invited to take time to read and declare this ‘spiritual Magna Carta’ by clicking the ‘More’ link.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 December 2018 00:00

UK justice systems

Part of a declaration by Passion for the Nation: ‘Father, We thank You for the call on the UK to display Your righteousness and justice. We praise You for our heritage of godly justice, and we decree, this is a time for a reawakening of Kingdom values within our justice system. May the God-given sovereignty and order of governmental authority for this nation, judicial and legislative, be restored for the United Kingdom. In the Name of Jesus, we speak godly design over every aspect of the Brexit settlement in relation to the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, Criminal Justice , Civil Law and Legal Services and for Heaven’s schedule in every aspect of the transitional period, so that no plan of man or of the enemy will alter either Your timing or Your purpose.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 17 August 2018 10:21


After Salih Khater attempted a terror attack outside the Houses of Parliament, we can pray: ‘In the Name of Jesus, we enforce God’s original plans for peace, mercy and hope over and against every plan and purpose of Satan to bring death or destruction, and we declare this nation will be a place of safety. We declare You are the one in whom we put our trust. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we remember the Name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7). We thank You for Your love and Your covenant with us, and we come into agreement with Your word that “love always protects”. We thank You for those You have called to watch over our nation at this time, both in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm, and we release Your strength and Your wisdom to them in the Name of Jesus.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:25

Brexit: God’s strategy

The following declaration is from Passion for the Nation: ‘We declare over our Parliament, over the EU and over all those involved in Brexit negotiations, that the Lord God is the Master Planner of heaven and earth. His plans are for good and not for evil, greater than every plan of man or the enemy to bring confusion, division or hopelessness. We come into agreement with His word, He is “the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist”. We stand as Your Ecclesia, and in the Name of Jesus we call forth the strategies of heaven over all matters concerning Brexit. We declare they will be seen, heard, endorsed and enacted by those called to policy-making at this time’.

Published in British Isles