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Displaying items by tag: charity

Thursday, 17 August 2023 21:09

Captain Tom charity faces more scrutiny

Following a watchdog review of the charity’s accounts, the Captain Tom Foundation faces renewed scrutiny over reports that its co-founder Hannah Ingram-Moore received thousands of pounds for judging a Virgin Media O2 awards ceremony featuring foundation. She was the £85,000-a-year CEO of the foundation, but did not seek its board approval before entering into a commercial agreement with Virgin Media O2. Her appearance fee was paid into a private company which she and her husband owned. After a series of controversies, the Captain Tom Foundation stopped taking donations earlier this year. Its 2022 accounts recorded it giving out £160,000 of over £1m it raised. There have been ongoing investigations regarding conflicts of interest between the charity and businesses owned by the Ingram-Moores, as well as concerns over mismanagement and compliance with charity law.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 July 2023 10:16

M&S money off clothes swap

Last week we prayed about school uniform costs. This week we can be grateful that Marks and Spencer are offering families money off children’s clothes if they donate school uniform hand-me-downs to help parents struggling amid the cost of living crisis. The second-hand uniforms will be sold via Oxfam’s high street chain and a new ‘back-to-school’ eBay shop.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 08 April 2021 20:57

Turkey: priest imprisoned for religious charity

A Turkish court sentenced Syriac priest Father Sefer to two years and one month in prison on terrorism-related charges. This sentence comes just over a year after Father Bileçen was detained alongside twelve others on the charges of aiding the PKK, an internationally recognised terrorist organisation. Father Bileçen said, ‘Two members of the organisation came to the monastery asking for food, and I gave it. It was detected afterwards, and the gendarmerie commander met me through the metropolitan bishop. I did not deny it. I wanted security measures to be taken so that this would not happen again. But no security measures were taken.’ Nevertheless he thought the case was closed. Christians in rural Turkey are caught in the middle of the Turkey-PKK conflict and no matter how they respond - they lose. Religious charity is being criminalised.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 18 March 2021 20:38

World Vision reaches 59 million

More than a year has passed since the coronavirus pandemic was declared. World Vision, a leading evangelical interdenominational aid organisation, has partnered with tens of thousands of faith leaders and communities worldwide to reach 59 million people through relief and virus prevention efforts. As the world was shutting down, World Vision kept working, fulfilling the purpose God has bestowed on the organisation and its staff. ‘Covid-19 has been our largest domestic and international response that we’ve ever organised. It’s been a remarkable amount of work and just a wonderful opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this really, really challenging time’, said a World Vision representative.

Published in Praise Reports

The partial federal government shutdown is in its fourth week. When a Baptist pastor in Memphis, Donald Johnson, realised that people in his congregation would be affected by what the president was doing, he stepped in to help them weather an uncertain period of missed paychecks. Having found eight people on the church's database who were federal workers, he collected an offering and had the church's financial board match what was collected. He was able to raise $8,000, enough for $1,000 each.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 04 January 2019 09:45

Transforming Lives for Good (TLG)

Recent statistics reveal that one in ten children feel unable to cope with the school day. Almost two thirds of 10- to 11-year-olds worry all the time, and 70% of children and adolescents experiencing mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age. TLG is a Christian charity helping churches to bring hope and a future to struggling children. School exclusion, poverty, holiday hunger, bullying, bereavement, family breakdown, or being in the care system can have a huge impact on a child's education. Some children struggle with a lack of confidence, have no positive role models, or just need an adult to talk to. TLG early intervention programmes give churches practical solutions to support families, children and schools in their community. TLG believes change is possible, so in all their work there lies an unchanging resolve to transform lives for good.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 December 2018 10:10

Homelessness at Christmas

Solicitors working on legal aid housing contracts have to turn people away every day, but there is nowhere to send them, so many become homeless (see). In Scotland on 8 December, Sleep in the Park saw 12,000 people sleeping rough, to raise money for the homeless. Although homelessness legislation in Britain means children should never have to sleep rough, it happens. A video of a child sobbing after being told she must spend her third Christmas in a hostel (watch) has highlighted the plight of young victims of Ireland's housing crisis. Please pray for the work of Crisis, the Salvation Army, Shelter, the Big Issue Foundation, Centrepoint, St Mungo’s, Emmaus UK, Homeless Link, and all churches and agencies who work tirelessly to help the homeless.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:41

Christmas outreach

As Christmas approaches, churches will be presenting carol services and other seasonal activities where the gospel is preached. Pray for God to anoint His people with powerful evangelism, and for the Holy Spirit to speak through the Church as she faithfully witnesses to the true gospel message. The Evangelical Alliance recently won an award for their website at the Premier Digital Awards. At this site churches can order from over 200 different outreach materials and ideas to inspire, equip and support the Church to make Jesus known. Pray for many thousands of unsaved people to realise this year that Jesus was born to give them a full life that never ends. Christmas can be a very lonely time, a time without hope. The Salvation Army has begun its 2017 Christmas appeal to raise awareness and finance for their work amongst the poor, vulnerable, and homeless. See:

Published in British Isles