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Displaying items by tag: World Vision

Thursday, 18 March 2021 20:38

World Vision reaches 59 million

More than a year has passed since the coronavirus pandemic was declared. World Vision, a leading evangelical interdenominational aid organisation, has partnered with tens of thousands of faith leaders and communities worldwide to reach 59 million people through relief and virus prevention efforts. As the world was shutting down, World Vision kept working, fulfilling the purpose God has bestowed on the organisation and its staff. ‘Covid-19 has been our largest domestic and international response that we’ve ever organised. It’s been a remarkable amount of work and just a wonderful opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this really, really challenging time’, said a World Vision representative.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 January 2020 23:47

From Maasai herdsboy to archbishop

He was an uneducated Maasai boy, expected to herd cows all his life. But when he was nine the boys in his village were told to attend school and he learnt about Jesus. His curiosity about faith grew. Next, he was sponsored through children’s charity World Vision; an overseas family supported him with simple and life-changing gifts. During a severe drought, World Vision fed the entire family. When the rains finally came, they helped them to grow their own food. Then his life truly shifted, and God took him on a journey he never could have imagined. To read his inspiring faith-filled story, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 14 December 2018 09:37

Pakistan expels Christian charities

After a two-year battle to re-register their work, World Vision has been expelled from Pakistan, along with Catholic Relief Services and 16 other organisations, for ‘deliberately spreading disinformation’ and ‘non-compliance’. World Vision has handed over responsibility for poverty-reduction and health programmes to the state and has complied with a 60-day deadline to leave. They regret the effect that the cessation of their work will have on the vulnerable communities where they worked, but respect the Government's decision as to who may work in the country. They have worked in Pakistan for thirteen years, helping 800,000 youngsters. They are currently discussing the possibility of re-starting work under new legal frameworks which the government may introduce at a later date. Catholic Relief Services, a charitable arm of the US Catholic Church, had been helping provide food, education and clean water in Pakistan since 1954.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 19 October 2018 00:13

The poorest country in Europe

Albania is considered to be the poorest country in Europe, with a high level of poverty and little access to basic social services. Thousands of children face injustice in many forms of abuse, violence, exploitation and early marriage. The country still lacks a fully functional system which should prevent, protect, and rehabilitate children from all forms of discrimination and abuse. World Vision works there to speak up on behalf of children and improve lives through child protection programmes (see ) In spite of the introduction of child protection measures, Albania is still one of the riskiest places for children in Europe. The risks start at birth - a high infant mortality rate - and continue through to early adulthood, when the lack of opportunities makes it difficult for them to become independent. UNICEF reported that 12% of children aged 5-14 are working while adults face unemployment and poverty.

Published in Europe