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Displaying items by tag: care of elderly

Friday, 15 March 2019 09:29

Australia: how we treat our elderly

How communities treat our elderly is a measure of worth and moral integrity. 300 people attended the first community consultation by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Adult children and spouses of those in care want compassionate staff, not harsh, poorly trained, temperamentally unsuited people working in the sector. Commissioner Lynell Briggs spoke of creating a culture of dignity and respect after hearing harrowing tales, including that of a woman's mother in care being regularly left for hours to lie in her own mess. When she died, the facility operator told the daughter that her mother had been ‘taking up too much of the staff's time’. Upon complaint, the regulator turned on the daughter. The consultation heard much first-hand evidence of elder abuse. Victoria’s assisted dying legislation comes into effect on 19 June. There are fears that no euthanasia or assisted dying scheme can effectively screen for elder abuse and coercion.

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