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Displaying items by tag: border crossing

In the town of Musina, Portie Murevesi, heavily pregnant, has found refuge after a brutal assault. She is one of many migrants undertaking perilous journeys to reach South Africa. Tales of violence, including rape and murder, are commonplace, but many people, driven by desperation, are risking their lives to seek better opportunities in South Africa. Officially, there are more than 2.4 million foreigners - nearly half of them Zimbabwean - living in the country, accounting for just over 3% of the population. But that figure does not include those who have entered illegally, and with a general election scheduled for the end of May, this has become a highly charged political issue. Although the authorities say they are tightening security, it is an enormous task. John epitomises the struggle for survival as he resorts to smuggling watermelons across the porous border because they fetch a far higher price than in Zimbabwe.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 November 2020 21:14

Brexit border concerns


The ‘Haulier Handbook’ (to prevent Brexit border meltdown) is a guide to the mountain of new red tape required to transport goods across borders. It was promised in early September but will now not be fully available until 7 December, three weeks before it is needed. Logistics UK, representing freight groups, warned that time is running out to prevent ‘lorry queues at Dover and empty shelves in Northern Ireland’ when the transition period ends in 50 days’ time. ‘With the economy still reeling from handling the impact of Covid-19, the last thing UK plc needs is another major shock of our own making,’ said the Logistics director of policy. Construction of border inspection posts for checks on animal products crossing the Irish Sea has not yet started, and will take up to six months to complete.

Published in British Isles