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Displaying items by tag: dangers

In the town of Musina, Portie Murevesi, heavily pregnant, has found refuge after a brutal assault. She is one of many migrants undertaking perilous journeys to reach South Africa. Tales of violence, including rape and murder, are commonplace, but many people, driven by desperation, are risking their lives to seek better opportunities in South Africa. Officially, there are more than 2.4 million foreigners - nearly half of them Zimbabwean - living in the country, accounting for just over 3% of the population. But that figure does not include those who have entered illegally, and with a general election scheduled for the end of May, this has become a highly charged political issue. Although the authorities say they are tightening security, it is an enormous task. John epitomises the struggle for survival as he resorts to smuggling watermelons across the porous border because they fetch a far higher price than in Zimbabwe.

Published in Worldwide

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has criticised Colombia and Panama for failing to protect migrants and asylum seekers crossing the perilous Darien Gap jungle route between the two countries. The report highlighted inadequate protection and investigation of abuses, including sexual violence. The Darien Gap, fraught with natural hazards and criminal activity, is a favoured route for those fleeing violence and hardships; over 520,000 people used it in 2023. HRW urged Colombia to investigate a criminal gang's exploitation of migrants and allocate more resources for protection, and criticised Panama’s ‘controlled flow’ strategy, which it said needed to be modified. It also called for the appointment of a senior official to coordinate responses with the UN and humanitarian groups.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 11 February 2021 20:58

Extreme weather dangers

The UK has experienced a week of dangerous snow and ice culminating in below -20C temperatures. Local councils are warning residents to take extra care while the cold snap lasts, as the weekend weather will turn ‘quite hazardous’. The Centrepoint charity for homeless young people is urging the public to contact them if they see people living out in the cold. Charities are also advised to offer anyone seen to be sleeping rough a hot drink, meal, blankets or clothing. Over 100 street cleaning and waste collection teams have been diverted from regular duties to clear snow from footpaths and routes to medical centres to enable COVID immunisation to continue. On 11 February nine flood warnings indicated flooding is very likely; a further 88 flood alerts indicate that flooding is possible as the snow melts and further freezing rain continues.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 November 2020 21:08

USA: Biden transition - spy world is feeling uneasy

A series of sackings and appointments - with rumours of more to come - has created a sense of deep uncertainty around the US intelligence and national security community. Some believe this is part of an attempt by Trump to hold on to power; many others see it driven by a desire for personal revenge. But there remain fears that the uncertainty of a divisive transition could hold real dangers. The sacking of a number of top civilian leaders at the Pentagon, including the secretary of defence, was, many believe, just the start. Trump wants to achieve specific policy goals during his final days, like removing troops from Afghanistan. America's national security is accused of being in a ‘deep state’ of conspiring against him. In recent months, he has declassified information which he wrongly thinks supports his case. The head of cybersecurity is in trouble because he proved vote rigging was false.

Published in Worldwide