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Displaying items by tag: blessed by rain

Thursday, 30 January 2020 22:05

Australia blessed by rain

Human nature is more interested in bad news than good. Hence news media seemed to almost delight in Australia 'burning' with many phenomenal pictures, hysterical headlines and apocalyptic analyses. In recent days, though, there has been some welcome good news and yet, to a large extent, this is buried away in mid-page columns, if reported at all. I guess 'Australia being blessed by rain' is not as dramatic as 'Australia burning in hell'. Many fires are still ongoing, but there have been some remarkable stories and pictures of the effect of the much prayed for rain. Jeremiah 14:22 tells us that only the Lord brings rain. Gloucester in New South Wales ran out of water, after four years of drought; then in seven days, they had over 100mm of water. The effect is dramatic. What was dead and barren has sprung to life with what one farmer called 'rapid growth'.

Published in Praise Reports