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Displaying items by tag: Virtual Prayer Gathering

Tuesday, 01 October 2019 04:51

IPC Calendar

50 Days of Prayer for Revival of Korea and the Korean Church – 1 Sep to 20 Oct

Everyday at 8pm, ANI Centers (Seoul, Daejeon, Daegu)

10 Days - 24-7 Virtual Prayer Gathering - 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2019

12 Days of Prayer for Transformation of Iberoamerica- 1-12 Oct 2019


Nationwide Prayer Assembly - South Korea – 3 October 2019

United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


06bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising South Africa – October 4-6, 2019, Johannesburg
UPRising North Mindanao - October 28-30, 2019 - Cagayan de Oro, Philippines

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

We want to invite you to be a part of a new 'virtual' opportunity called '10 days'

The vision can be found here www.10days.net/what-is-10-days-full

It comes over the Jewish festivals 29 Sept - 9th Oct Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur during a time known as the 'Days of Awe'.

The focus is to see ourselves and eventually our whole cities actually pause, humble ourselves, and repent before God and seek His face for the lost. It is a time of together turning, asking forgiveness and yearning to see the fulfilment of Jesus' promises and His second coming.

This year the 10 days team have decided to run a pilot project for a VIRTUAL online non-stop prayer meeting 24 hours a day for 10 days around the globe. This is why I am inviting you to see if this is something that you would like to help facilitate. It would involve taking an hour slot every day for 10 days. This hour could be shared with people in your church or a group that you are linked with.

There will be a guide produced so that we all keep on the same page and with the same focus, which includes praying for those with the least access to the gospel. Several major global networks including the Ethne prayer workgroup, the 24:14 Coalition Prayer Task Force, Intl. Prayer Council and Morningstar Network are collaborating in this effort.

Could you let me know if this is something that you could organise in your network(s)?  https://form.myjotform.com/Nations123/10-days-int-global-upper-room would be where you can indicate the time slot that you would be responsible for each day.

Isebel Spangenberg is helping with coordination on this (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) If you have further questions, I'm happy to answer if I can.

10days.net has many of these resources, and also videos and podcasts.  We have two teaching video series on 10 Days plus this vision video (below) which I recommend you watch first:

10 Days Vision Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=TsgM8EK-ju8

Bridgeport Story--Bridgeport is leading the way as a city that is really stopping...this podcast is worth listening to: https://soundcloud.com/10daysofprayer/10-the-bridgeport-story-luis?in=10daysofprayer/sets/10-days-summit-2018

Last year, the '10 Days' was observed in various forms in 40 locations around the world. We believe God is calling the Body of Christ to a season of preparation of the Bride in this hour, and this season of coming aside seems to be part of His ordained plan. We welcome you to join hands with God and our sisters and brothers as we look together with expectancy for the Great Harvest and Our Bridegroom's soon return...

Liz Adleta - Global Prayer Strategist

Web: www.ethne.net/  www.prayerstrategists.net& https://www.2414now.net/

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:31

IPC Calendar

Pray With Youth – 22 September 2019


Save North Korean Refugees Day - 24 Sept 2019


10 Days - 24-7 Virtual Prayer Gathering - 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2019

United Prayer Rising – South Africa – 4-6 October 2019


South East Asia Prayer Council Conference – 8-11 October 2019


Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Go 2020 Prayer Gatherings - 1stMay 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020
