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Displaying items by tag: Trust

Friday, 03 March 2017 10:48

Friday Focus: ‘Teach me your ways’ - Lent

Walk into any book shop at an airport or station and you will discover a wide range of books offering advice on how to be a better person. The Psalms provide us with some ancient and well-attested wisdom. We are invited to put our trust in God and ask Him to be our teacher, for all of life. And this is what we are called to model to the world.

(Written by Paul Wooley, Bible Society)

Published in British Isles

‘I realised that we are all bearing the cross in different ways, just like Jesus did. It’s a humble reminder of the sacrifice He made for our salvation.’ Iman, a Christian refugee from Iraq, had a crisis of faith when she was driven from her home by militants. But with the help of a church in Lebanon, her trust in Jesus was restored. Iman shared her dramatic story with SAT-7 documentary series From East to West, offering hope and encouragement to other struggling Christians.

Published in Praise Reports