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Displaying items by tag: Trump

Thursday, 29 August 2019 11:25

Australia - Thanksgiving and Issues for Prayer

Australia Honours and thanks the nations for your Intercession

in our looming hour of crisis and hope.

“I have always believed in miracles” declares our unashamedly Christian Prime Minister following his “highly unlikely win” in the May 18 Federal Election. He also secures a far more workable Senate.

The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, Australia, was pivoted on a historic threshold of persecution or reformation, or both. My sense is that we are getting both.

At stake were many affronts to our Judaeo-Christian heritage  including the following:

Legal abortion to full term in all states and territories.
Threat to our relationship with Israel including building an embassy in Jerusalem.
Removal of opening Parliament in prayer including the reference to “humbly relying on Almighty God”.
Defunding of Chaplaincy.
Removal of charitable status for churches.
Imposition of gender fluidity doctrine on our children.
Assault on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in many contexts including the curriculum in our Christian schools.

We have a 3-year window to pray and work to see Australia fulfil her mandate as the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.

Our Prime Minister has been shown great favour by President Trump by choosing him to have Dinner at the G20 meeting of nations, inviting him to be an observer at the G7 meeting and hosting him at a historic State Dinner in the White House next month. There appears to be a growing closeness between the first ladies - Ivanka Trump and Jenny Morrison. My sense is that our Prime Minister has been raised as an Ambassador of International reconciliation in the midst of tensions between China and America and the escalations in Hong Kong.

 The abortion issue has also flared up in two of our States.

The sequence of Abortion being liberalised was UK, Adelaide South Australia, the rest of Australia, before Roe v Wade opened the global bloodgates for the destruction of young lives and the breaking of the hearts of our women. There is a sense that, if we can wind back here in this source city of Adelaide we could see reversals like in the USA, everywhere. A submission has been prepared by lawyers from the UK, Australia, USA and doctors from around Australia centred on care for women, care for babies, care for children in the womb, care for families and care for life (“5Cs”) movement. An adapted submission is in the hands of politicians in New South Wales. As the fight against the Spirit of Death and Hell rages in the next weeks in the Parliaments of both States, this Saturday, we will be concluding 21 days of prayer near the abortion mill in Adelaide (loveadelaideprayer).

Please pray as you are led along the following suggestions :

That wisdom, counsel and might will be upon our praying Prime Minister especially as he has opportunity to privately minister to International leaders and be an Ambassador of reconciliation between them.
That the Ekklesia in Australia will be willing in the day of His power to maximise the opportunity she has been given.
That healing and hope will touch the hearts of the one in four women in Australia who have an abortion in their lifetime.
That the veil that the wicked one has placed over the eyes of our sisters and our communities will be lifted.
That life will be celebrated without condemnation for those who have been ensnared and that our laws will reflect or Heavenly Father’s heart.
That the Esther’s, Deborah’s, Daniels, Mordecai’s, David’s, Josephs and other modern equivalents are revealed and begin to fully function.

Thank you for this great victory and opportunity as Australia moves toward reflecting our Father’s heart in every sphere of society as the seeds of a  discipled nation.

May your love and intercession for this nation be multiplied and showered on your own cities and nations.

Mark Mudri

Facilitator Advocates Oceania
Executive member Global Council


"The Trump administration honored a Nigerian Muslim Imam last week among its first-ever International Religious Freedom Award winners for his efforts that saved hundreds of Christians during a 2018 terrorist attack," reports LifeSiteNews.

"Imam Abubakar Abdullahi of Nigeria selflessly risked his own life to save members of another religious community, who would have likely been killed without his intervention," the proclamation from the U.S. Department of State said.

Abdullahi had hidden 262 Christians in his home and mosque during a terrorist attack, when, "On June 23, 2018, ethnic Fulani herdsmen, who are predominantly Muslim, launched coordinated attacks on 10 villages in Barkin Ladi, killing hundreds of ethnic Berom farmers, who are predominantly Christian."

The 83-year-old cleric was one of five people honored at a July 17 ceremony with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and International Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback.

The State Department proclamation additionally states:

As Imam Abdullahi was finishing midday prayers, he and his congregation "heard gunshots and went outside to see members of the town’s Christian community fleeing," the State Department added. "Instinctively, the Imam ushered 262 Christians into the mosque and his home next to the mosque. The Imam then went outside to confront the gunmen and he refused to allow them to enter, pleading with them to spare the Christians inside, even offering to sacrifice his life for theirs. Although the gunmen killed 84 people in Nghar village that day, Imam Abdullahi’s actions saved the lives of hundreds more.

"Instinctively, the imam gave refuge to his Christian neighbors, sheltering 262 Christians in his mosque and his home," Brownback told those attending the award ceremony. "Imam Abdullahi stood outside the doors confronting the Muslim attackers, pleading with them to spare the lives of the Christians inside, even offering to exchange his own life for theirs."

"His actions bear witness to true courage, true selflessness, and true brotherly love," stated Brownback.

[Dr. Chaps' comment:  Love is a universal religion, and I respect this man who rejected the false prophet's teaching to slay the infidels (Christians) and instead protected them.  Now let's stop funding radical Islamists who kill Christians.



TC Kim - Facilitator

Transform USA

More at:http://www.transformusa.org

The Turkish currency is in freefall after President Trump escalated a feud with Ankara by doubling tariffs on metals imports. The lira has long been falling due to worries about President Erdogan's influence over monetary policy and worsening US relations. Turkey and the USA are at odds over many issues, the most pressing being the detention of pastor Andrew Brunson who was jailed for allegedly supporting a group that Ankara blames for the failed coup. He faces 35 years in prison, and on 15 August a court ruled he must remain under house arrest. Qatar has pledged $15 billion of investments after Erdogan said that the shadowy ‘interest rate lobby’ and Western credit ratings agencies were attempting to bring down the economy. He said, ‘If there is anyone who has dollars or gold under their pillows, they should go and exchange it for liras at our banks. This is a national, domestic battle.’ See also

Published in Worldwide

Brushing aside Russia’s pledge to repel any Syria attack, President Trump used Twitter to put Moscow on notice that a military response to Assad’s use of chemical weapons is on the way, telling Russia to ‘get ready’ as missiles will be coming, telling him he ‘shouldn’t be partners with a ‘“Gas Killing Animal” who kills his people and enjoys it!’ Although Russia, Syria and Iran forcefully deny that chemical weapons were deployed on the rebel-held city of Douma, the US and its allies claim that they have evidence validating the charge. The precise timing and nature of the attack remains unknown. Recently the White House spoke of building support for an international response to Syria that would emphasise ‘the use of chemical weapons is a red-line no nation should feel comfortable crossing’. Currently, France and Britain are in consultation with the US to coordinate a response to the use of chemical weapons. See also ‘UK: Upholding Chemical Weapons Treaty’ above. 

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 April 2018 04:35

UK: Upholding the Chemical Weapons Treaty

In 1997 the Chemical Weapons treaty came into force. Its full title is ‘The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction’. In 2013 Syria agreed to the treaty. On 7 April 2018 Syrian activists, rescue workers and medics reported toxic chemicals dropped on Douma with Assad’s approval. It is believed not to be Syria’s first violation of the treaty. At the time of writing, because of chemical weapons use in Syria, Russia and America are threatening opposing military action over Syrian ground and airspace. Theresa May's cabinet has ‘agreed on the need to take action’. They are also considering military options with US and French allies. Key prayers for our MOD - What British forces might be used? The targets. What’s the overall strategic aim? Key prayers for Whitehall - How to avoid escalating the conflict? See World article 1

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:22

Israel: Trump recognises Jerusalem as capital

In 1995 the US passed the ‘Jerusalem Embassy Act,’ which formally recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and called for their embassy to move there from Tel Aviv. With overwhelming support it passed the Senate by 93 to 5. President Trump has now implemented that decision. Israel’s intelligence services minister Yisrael Katz said, ‘The Palestinian reaction is a rejection of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, just as Arabs did 70 years ago.’ He also said that this action will make it clear to Palestinians that they too must recognise Israel, which is necessary for the peace process. He said Israel would take economic steps to help the Palestinians, singling out the regional railroad project currently being proposed. Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian representative to Britain, warned, ‘Trump is effectively declaring war in the Middle East’. See also

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 November 2017 10:50

Asia: Trump’s tour

Escaping scandal in Washington after indictments of his campaign associates, President Trump is on a 13-day tour through five Asian capitals. Trump’s first stop was Japan, where the priorities were a Japan-US military alliance and trade. While visiting South Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines, he hopes to encourage other regional powers to step up their efforts to pressurise North Korea into abandoning its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. The continent is gripped with tension over the nuclear standoff on its eastern edge. Trump told South Korean lawmakers that Kim Jong-un would face disaster if he continued to lead his nation down the dark path towards nuclear weapons. ‘Do not underestimate us. Do not try us’ was a direct warning to Pyongyang. Trump is trying to persuade Chinese leaders to put even more pressure on North Korea. At the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vietnam (9 to 10 November), he hopes to enlist President Putin’s help in changing North Korea's behaviour. See next article.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 November 2017 10:47

Vietnam: Putin / Trump talks

Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump may bring different expectations to the table at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Vietnam (their last meeting, at Germany’s G20 summit, produced a de-escalation plan for the Syria/Israel border). They are reluctant to comment on whether they will make a thorough review of some equally challenging issues to Russia and the US, but the latest messages from Moscow suggest that the two men are considering a discussion of the Syrian settlement. The Russian ambassador to the USA said that the agenda for their meeting included 1) war on international terrorism; 2) Syrian peace settlement (Jordan and Russia want to end fighting in southwestern Syria as part of border deals between Amman, Washington and Moscow); and 3) North Korea’s nuclear plans. See previous article.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 07 July 2017 15:00

Germany: G20 summit (7 to 8 July)

Hamburg's police have already had to deal with violent protests at the G20 summit. Hi-tech water cannons were used to disperse crowds on 4 July, injuring five people. Protesters are expected to hoard weapons at secret locations ahead of the summit where global trade, terrorism, climate change, North Korean missiles, Brexit, digitalisation and empowering women will be on the agenda. Body language will be scrutinised in the first face-to-face meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin: pray for a working dialogue between these two leaders. US attitude to trade following Trump's 'America First' policy could be a bone of contention, as will climate change after President Trump pulled out of the Paris climate change agreement. Pray that globalisation and climate solutions are negotiated with a win/win attitude. Angela Merkel has based the talks around an 'interconnected' world, and will address differences between countries.

Published in Europe

Brussels, which he called a ‘hellhole,’ the European Union, which he called ‘a vehicle for Germany,’ and NATO, which he called ‘obsolete,’ welcomed President Trump on Wednesday. Security was tight after the Manchester terrorist attack on Monday, with police brought in from all over Belgium and some neighbouring countries. The two-day visit was studded with deliberately brief meetings and only modest substance. This was a chance for President Trump to meet and greet about thirty European leaders, and for them to try to get him to understand more fully the importance of the EU and NATO in keeping the peace. They hope for praise and support from Mr Trump, who has aligned himself more with the critics of the EU.

Published in Europe
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