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Displaying items by tag: Thy Kingdom Come

Thursday, 02 May 2024 21:50

Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Thy Kingdom Come 2024 has ignited global excitement, engaging diverse communities worldwide in its ecumenical wave of prayer. The initiative's inclusive reach is demonstrated through activities from Australia to the Solomon Islands, embracing participants of various religious backgrounds. This year's Novena, translated into many languages including Portuguese, Hindi, and Korean, reflects the event’s international appeal. The ecumenical Prayer Journal, now available in Dutch and a special Scottish version with tartan, showcases voices from across Scotland. Globally, beacon events in countries like South Korea and Bangladesh are being planned, along with local activities across the UK, involving continuous prayer gatherings and prayer walks. A highlight for youth on Pentecost Sunday includes regional gatherings and contributions from notable figures like the archbishops of Canterbury and York. An accompanying app offers resources for children and young people, including videos and discussion plans, ensuring broad access to spiritual content.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 18 May 2018 11:17

Thy Kingdom Come: celebrate!

Today’s youth meditation: #pledge2pray #celebrate - To celebrate is to do something that isn’t just required or expected. It is to go a bit over the top about someone; to do more than you need, because, as they say, they’re worth it. God’s worth it. But we regularly take it all as a bit standard. If you were going to celebrate God, how would you do it?

Published in British Isles
Friday, 11 May 2018 10:57

Thy Kingdom Come: pray for five friends

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started in 2016 as a call from the archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer, with many events planned between 10 and 20 May. Have confidence in the Gospel and choose five people to commit to pray for during Thy Kingdom Come, for them to come to know Christ: see Those with smartphones may like to download an app from iTunes or Google Play, containing inspirational daily prayers, reflections, readings and videos to equip you to take part in this global wave of prayer.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:29

Global wave of prayer 10 - 20 May

Thy Kingdom Come 2018 will see thousands around the world, praying for friends, neighbours, colleagues and workmates to come to know Jesus Christ. Churches, chaplaincies, prayer houses, 24/7 prayer rooms and schools are using a range of fresh ideas from the Thy Kingdom Come website. It also has ideas for retreats, special events, booklets, posters, bands etc. to be used throughout the ten day event, plus inspirational videos and blogs on topics including how to pray for others, how to get started in prayer, and encouraging others in prayer. Pray for many more individuals and groups to be involved this year. Pray for the planning of events across the UK and farther afield. Pray for all the preparation that will take place after the planning. Most of all pray that millions will do whatever they hear God telling them to do.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 26 May 2017 12:08

Friday Focus: Thy Kingdom Come

Prayer happens when we have a challenge we can’t meet by our own resources. As none of us has the resources to bring someone to faith in Jesus Christ, we have to ask the Holy Spirit for help. Thy Kingdom Come is an invitation to do just that - so that through our witness others can come to know Jesus Christ.

(written by the Thy Kingdom Come team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 May 2017 13:05

Thy Kingdom Come - ten days of prayer

From 25 May to 4 June individuals and churches around the nation will join in a global ‘wave of prayer’ for the ten days leading up to Pentecost. There is a rich variety of activities taking place, and it is exciting to see many ways in which we can engage with God in praying for our communities and nations. Below are some of the events for which we can intercede in advance:- Ask God that many will attend city-wide praise/prayer events, and that events being held in public locations will draw many shoppers into the God-filled space. Pray for prayer breakfasts to be filled with spiritual tastes of Kingdom. Pray that the 24/7 prayer chains organised by church communities will have all slots filled, creating a mighty canopy of prayer over their communities. May those setting up prayer rooms be blessed with God-inspired fresh ideas that draw people closer to Him.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 May 2017 13:02

Election and Thy Kingdom Come

There are three weeks to go to the election: campaigning, slogans, soundbites, personal attacks, and sensational headlines rather than policies and manifesto commitments. However, Hebrews 12:1b-2a says, ‘Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.’ We need to persevere in prayer for our communities, for our nations, for those who seek election as MPs, and for the new UK Government - especially at this crucial time in our history. When the dates for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ 2017 were announced, nobody knew there would be an election a few days after Pentecost. Many churches will be praying in a more focussed way just before the election. This would not have happened if this call to prayer had not been issued.

Published in British Isles
Wednesday, 17 May 2017 13:17

His Kingdom Come - 10 day prayer guide

Jill Gower from Call2Prayer Norwich has written a 10 day blessing and declaration booklet for use during Thy Kingdom Come.

You can download a PDF or to order printed booklets email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. They are priced at £3 each, plus postage, with a discount for bulk orders.

Published in Guides

After Jesus’ ascension the apostles returned to Jerusalem to pray, and ten days later at Pentecost the Holy Spirit was released and the church was born. ‘Thy Kingdom Come 2017’ invites Christians to make a lasting difference in our nations and in our world by responding to Jesus’ call to find a deep unity of purpose in prayer.

(written by Jane Holloway, World Prayer Centre; Thy Kingdom Come)

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 04 May 2017 12:02

Pray Thy Kingdom Come

It is our joy and privilege as Trustees, team and supporters of World Prayer Centre to be involved in planning and taking part in the Archbishop's call to the Church in the nation and the nations to pray 'Thy Kingdom Come' 10 days prior to Pentecost.

As we have shared, planned and prayed into this call, we increasingly realise the weightiness of praying this prayer and felt it right to share our thoughts with you simply because if we pray for ‘His Kingdom’ to come then other kingdoms have to make way for it. As in the natural a country cannot have two kings, so in the spiritual.

As Christians, through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus, we have been taken from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light, God's Kingdom. As we pray on the 25th May and for the ten days that follow, 'Thy Kingdom Come' then we are inviting the Kingdom of heaven into our lives, our families and friends, our church, the health service, the Government, our education system, our media and arts and the business community.

To pray 'Thy Kingdom Come' is asking God our Father by His Spirit, to come into every area of society so that the light of Christ in us - His body - will dispel the kingdom of darkness and all the evil it represents from every area of our society.

As we pray 'Thy Kingdom come' we are praying for righteousness, truth, love, hope, wisdom, justice and peace to come, all of which the kingdom of darkness despises and hates. At a time when we are constantly bombarded with the evil outworkings of that kingdom, what a privilege to demonstrate through our united praying, our words and actions, that light has overcome the darkness and always will.

We are in a battlefield, we are not fighting people, we are fighting powers and rulers of this kingdom of darkness. Our confidence is that the cross has won the field. We stand in unity with you, praying to see His Kingdom come, His will being done across our nation and the nations.

Ian Cole, Founder of WPC

Published in WPC News
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