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Displaying items by tag: Stories of HOPE

Thursday, 09 April 2020 21:49

Stories of hope

Papa Jörg, an intercessor-evangelist in Hamburg, prays for ‘Ahmad’, a friend of an Iranian believer that Papa Jörg led to faith in Jesus and regularly prays for. At the beginning of March Ahmad had a lung infection and passed out in an Iranian hospital. He had COVID-19 and was put on life support. The Iranian doctors said there was nothing else to be done but pray. So Papa Jörg prayed. Every day he recorded his prayers for Ahmad over WhatsApp and sent them to his friend. On the 17th day, he received a message that he was recovering, and two days later Ahmad was healed of COVID-19. ‘Do the Iranian doctors know that we Christians prayed for Ahmad?’ Papa Jörg asked. ‘Yes’, replied his friend, ‘I sent your message to him every day, and Ahmad’s sister told everyone’. For other stories of hope, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 27 October 2017 11:23

40 stories of hope

‘There is no one, no life, no story that is beyond God’s power to love and transform’, writes Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, in his foreword to the book ‘40 Stories of Hope’. The book was launched at Lambeth Palace at a gathering of prison chaplains and prison volunteers. Catherine Butcher compiled the book with Pastor Osien Sibanda, who contributes some stories drawn from his work in Bristol Prison. The book contains forty different stories of faith and hope from prisoners, prison chaplains, and ex-prisoners. These remarkable testimonies speak powerfully about life-changing encounters with Jesus. Readers can explore how we can all find hope in Jesus, no matter who we are. Prison chaplains will be giving copies of this book to inmates along with forty daily readings and prayers, and group sessions which can also be used.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:41

Friday Focus: freedom behind bars

When Jesus sets us free, we each have a story to tell. Later this year a new book called 40 Stories of Hope brings together the stories of prisoners who have discovered the hope and freedom Jesus gives. Join with Prison Hope, praying that this collection of testimonies, Bible readings and prayers will inspire many people inside and outside prison.
(written by Catherine Butcher)

Published in British Isles