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Displaying items by tag: Louisiana

Louisiana has become the first US state to order all classrooms, from elementary to university level, to display a poster of the Ten Commandments. The Republican-backed measure describes the commandments as foundational to state and national government. The law is expected to face challenges from civil rights groups, who will argue that it violates the First Amendment, which prohibits government establishment of religion. The commandments must be in large, readable font, next to a ‘context statement’ about their historical role in American education. There have been numerous legal battles over the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings, including schools, courthouses and police stations. In the past, the Supreme Court has struck down similar laws, ruling that displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools lacked a secular legislative purpose and was inherently religious.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:23

Louisiana revival in 19th week

What started as a four-day revival event on October 16, 2022, at the Old Zion Baptist Church in Hammond Louisiana has blossomed into 19 weeks of revival, and it shows no signs of stopping. On the first night of the revival, there were only about 125 people in attendance. But 34 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. By the fourth night, the gymnasium was packed. Then evangelist David R. Harrison of Voice of Hope Ministries set up his 2,500-seater tent in Hammond in order to help accommodate the large crowd. Brian Lester, Harrison's assistant, said there are signs of the revival continuing. ‘It's only gaining momentum.’ Lester reported, ‘in 19 weeks, over 1,300 have been saved, and countless other lives have been changed.’ He also credits the Asbury Awakening for making even more people want to experience a local revival. Hammond’s services are also live-streamed on Facebook.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 September 2021 04:52

USA: Aftermath of Ida – 68 now dead

One week after Hurricane Ida came ashore over half a million people are still without power. Some of the hardest-hit areas could be without power until 29th September. Mayor David Camardelle said, ‘It looks like a bomb went off. We have no water, we have no electricity, we have no food.’ Residents have been waiting in long queues for water, ice, food and fuel, and the situation has been made worse by extreme heat without air conditioning. On 9th September forecasters watched category 3 Hurricane Larry and Tropical Storm Mindy that are heading towards Bermuda and Canada causing ‘significant swells’ along America’s east coast. Louisiana’s Governor said, ‘We know there are a lot of people out there who are hurting. We're going to continue to work hard every single day to bring additional relief and to make progress.’ But Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy said residents need more help now.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 September 2021 22:15

USA: Hurricane Ida

Ida, the strongest hurricane ever to make landfall in Louisiana, hit as Category 4 while the region's hospitals were under siege from rising Covid cases. Debbie and her family cowered on a stairway landing while four feet of muddy water rushed into her home. She and her son had earlier safely rescued her elderly parents from their home, but now they prayed the roof would not collapse on them all. ‘God blessed us that we all survived,’ she said after they were rescued. Her experience is just one of the tens of thousands rescued by crews in high-water trucks, helicopters and swamp boats desperately searching for survivors. Pray for Louisiana communities beginning the huge task of clearing debris and repairing damage. They are facing the depressing prospect of weeks without electricity in the stifling, late-summer heat because the region's power grid is down. On 2 September, New York City declared a state of emergency after flash flooding: see

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 08 October 2020 19:42

USA: Hurricane Delta

On 6 October Louisiana’s governor warned, ‘It is time to prepare for Hurricane Delta as it intensifies in the Caribbean. It is common for people to experience hurricane fatigue during a busy season, but we need everyone to take this threat seriously.’ Delta is the 10th named storm in America this season. After tearing down trees and power lines across Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula, Delta grew in size as it approached the northern Gulf Coast on 9 October. Life-threatening storm surges and hurricane-force winds are expected in the Louisiana coast, with as much as 12 inches of rain in places. State and local officials are shoring up levees, sandbagging and taking other protection measures in areas still recovering from Hurricane Laura, which roared ashore in August. Over 6,600 Laura evacuees remain in hotels around the state, mainly in New Orleans, because their homes are too heavily damaged to return. Pray for their peace of mind.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 December 2019 21:48

Tornadoes, fires, floods

Tornado activity is not rare in the United States at this time of year, but the impacts and width of recent storms are notable, creating more fatalities in one day than from tornadoes in the past three Decembers combined. Pray for those who have lost homes, possessions and loved ones in parts of Louisiana ransacked with 160 mph winds. Please continue to pray for Australians living in areas under a total fire ban amid dangerous record-breaking heat and wild winds. 100 wildfires are still scorching 5.3 million acres and covering Sydney in toxic smog. In Malaysia, by 18 December over 10,000 flood victims had been evacuated and taken to 100 relief centres. Pray for the people with disabilities, the elderly and children affected by an extreme unabated monsoon season with flood waters reaching 2.5m deep. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 September 2018 09:20

USA: Christianity under attack

In Louisiana, Americans United decided to sue a school district earlier this year, asserting, ‘School officials throughout the school system coerce students into religious practices and subject them to unwelcome religious messages and indoctrination.’ They did not want prayers being delivered during school-sponsored events, school events held in churches, or teachers encouraging Christianity in the classroom. The school board voted to fight the lawsuit. Pray for their defence of Christian values to be successful in the law courts. In Pensacola, Florida, a panel upheld a ruling ordering the removal of a cross from a public park, stating that they were ‘bound by existing circuit precedent’. But two of the three judges said they were uncomfortable with the result, and called upon the full circuit court to overturn their own ruling. The argument is ongoing.

Published in Worldwide