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Displaying items by tag: Liverpool

Friday, 09 September 2022 10:14

New strain of monkeypox found in UK

Current guidance states that if a case of monkeypox is known to be imported from West Africa, a region where it has been endemic for decades, then the individual must be admitted to a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) hospital unit for monitoring. Recently, an individual was admitted to the HCID ward at Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Preliminary analysis revealed the type of monkeypox virus they contracted is a different strain from the one widely currently circulating in the UK with 3,279 known cases (79 were identified in the last week). Dr Sophia Maki said, ‘We are working to contact the individuals who have had close contact with the person infected with the new variant prior to confirmation of their infection. We will assess them as necessary and provide advice.’ See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:24

Liverpool terror incident

Emad al-Swealmeen moved to the UK several years ago and converted to Christianity from Islam in 2017. He was looked after for several months by a Christian couple who volunteered at Liverpool Cathedral where he attended an Alpha course and was confirmed. In 2014 he had his asylum claim rejected. Associates believed he was only interested in converting to Christianity because he believed it would assist his asylum claim. He made a new application in 2017. He suffered mental health problems and was sectioned seven years ago after trying to kill himself by jumping off an overpass, while waving a knife. Then on 11 November he detonated a homemade bomb inside a taxi, killing himself and injuring the driver, David Perry, who survived and has been discharged from hospital. Four men have been arrested under terrorism laws. People who knew Swealmeen said, ‘We're just so, so sad. We just loved him, he was a lovely guy.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 18 November 2021 21:19

Liverpool terrorist incident developments

On 17 November police investigating the Liverpool taxi explosion sent a bomb disposal vehicle and fire engine to Sutcliff Street and extended a cordon around the Kensington area of Liverpool to allow them to assess ‘materials’ found during their search on the asylum accommodation. Residents living within the cordon were told they were not able to return home, while investigators continue to work on piecing together a motive for the blast. Apparently, Emad al-Swealmeen had been buying parts for his homemade device since at least April. Meanwhile, David Perry, who reportedly averted disaster by locking the bomber in his vehicle is said to have spoken to counter-terrorism officers for 90 minutes at his home. Priti Patel said the asylum system is ‘dysfunctional’. Patrols by armed police will be increased and security plans for major events reviewed after the terror threat level was raised following the attack.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 30 January 2020 21:26

Franklin Graham deemed ‘unacceptable’

Franklin Graham is scheduled to preach the gospel in eight cities across the United Kingdom later this year, but one of those stops is now in jeopardy after the venue cancelled the 12 June booking over his biblical views on LGBTQ issues. ACC Liverpool, an arena and conference centre, said, ‘Over the past few days we have been made aware of a number of Graham’s statements which we consider to be incompatible with our values. In light of this we can no longer reconcile the balance between freedom of speech and the divisive impact this event is having in our city. We have informed the organisers of the event that the booking will no longer be fulfilled.’ Graham, though, said that everyone is welcome. ‘The Gospel is inclusive, I'm not coming out of hate, I'm coming out of love.’ A Change.org petition that labelled Graham a ‘homophobic hate preacher’ had gathered more than 350 signatures as of 28 January.

Published in British Isles
Saturday, 07 January 2017 03:01

Bishop receives knighthood

James Jones, the former Bishop of Liverpool, who chaired an independent panel of inquiry into the Hillsborough football disaster, has been knighted in the New Year Honours list for services to bereaved families and justice. Bishop Jones was widely praised for his chairmanship of the panel, which concluded that many of the deaths at Hillsborough might have been avoided with better medical care. Bishop Jones said that he had mixed emotions on accepting the KBE, ‘because of the enduring sadness of the families who continue to feel the loss of their loved ones’. The inquiry, he said, had been ‘very much the climax’ of his 15 years as Bishop of Liverpool. A Hillsborough protester, Professor Phil Scraton, who led the panel’s research team, revealed last week that he had turned down an OBE in protest at those who ‘remained unresponsive’ to the campaign for truth and justice.

Published in British Isles