International Prayer Connections
“Recently a Muslim spokesman in Tunisia named Said Khecharem, who is affiliated with the international pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate organization Hizbut-Tahrir, declared (to delighted screams of “Allahuakbar” from his audience), that the “establishment of an Islamic state…requires the conquest of America, Britain, Russia, France, and Italy – Rome and other infidel lands…
August 21, 2018 | By Charlene Aaron Offer thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness and awesome power to save!... Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone. (Acts 4:12) “A US Army Chaplain says a revival…
U.S. President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)… which includes a $550 million assistance package to Israel and temporarily halts the sale of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey. This comes amid tensions between the United States and Ankara, which is currently holding an American pastor hostage, among other political…
Afghanistan and the US turned down invitations for the meeting but Taliban were willing to attend. Afghan President Ghani wants talks with the Taliban 'to happen in presence of the Afghan government' [Mohammad Ismail/Reuters] Russia has postponed a multilateral Afghanistan peace conference that was scheduled to take place in Moscow next month. The meeting was…
Just a few days ago we sent a mail to you and asked you to pray for the city of Ghazni as the T*liban stormed the city on exactly a week ago. The Police chief of Afghanistan says that about a thousand fighters stormed the city and captured key buildings…
According to an alarming UN report, “ISIS is back…regaining strength….ready for war” and has “gathered 30,000 fighters and could be preparing for a wave of offensives around the world”. This comes as no surprise to those who understand the reality of jihad terror. Meanwhile Al-Qaeda also remains dangerous, with powerful…
Here are some summary highlights and prayer concerns from the North American Prayer Summit that happened in Toronto, August 12-13. Some of the NAPS prayer leaders from Mexico, Canada and the USA also took part in the UPRISING Canada prayer gathering of about 300 on-fire Millennials and youth. Here are…
Pakistan's lower house of parliament has chosen a lawmaker from the Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) party to be the parliament speaker following general elections in July that were marred by allegations of fraud. AsadQaiser on August 15 secured 176 votes in the legislature to defeat Khusheed Shah, a joint candidate…
As you know, on August 15th, an anti-conversion law went into effect, putting Nepali Christians at risk for arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment. TTI's National Director in Nepal informed us that, according to the law, "anyone responsible for encouraging conversion, propagating one's beliefs, or converting another, is an offender according to the law and will…
Michael Brown calls on believers to ignore 'Must Stay Gay' mandate soon-to-be law Let’s pray that believers in this important state will unite and rise up in both prayer and action to oppose and protest this evil ruling by the government.
President Donald Trump on Wednesday asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and large scale killing of farmers,” prompting Pretoria to accuse Trump of stoking racial divisions. The tweet appeared to be a response to a Fox News report that focused…
“300,000 Troops and 900 Tanks: Russia’s Biggest Military Drills Since Cold War Aug. 28, 2018 Pic: A Russian soldier patrolling near military vehicles in Moscow in April.Yuri Kochetkov/EPA, via Shutterstock According to the New York Times, “Russia is mobilizing for its biggest military exercise since the height of the Cold…