International Prayer Connections
Pakistan is in dire straits and in danger of falling. Pakistan needs your prayers. This is an excerpt from a longer call to prayer by a prayer leader who is concerned about this crucial country. Deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and U.S. Realizing the opportunity to break the relationship between America…
New York City is one of the most influential in the world. Saturate New York involves prayer walking every street and zip code and now will include passing out Jesus Film DVDs and asking families if the prayer walker/evangelizers can pray for them. Pray: June 2 is the day to…
As we all know the Gold Coast was the host of the recent Commonwealth Games. What many may not know is what went on behind the scene as the Churches of the Gold Coast, together with the help of Christians from other parts of the nation, undergirded the Games with…
WILL PULLING OUT OF IRAN DEAL LEAD TO THE NEXT GREAT WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST? by S DOUGLAS WOODWARD on May 8, 2018 Today, May 8, 2018, might become an infamous day in American foreign policy and in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  Or it may not.  But it is likely to be…
In Malaysia's national election, a stunning victory for the opposition led by former PM Mahathir Mohamad was achieved May 9th. At age 93, Mahathir came out of a long retirement to take on the current PM NajibRazak and the Barisan National party, who are widely considered to have become terribly…
Written by Dr Peter Carruthers, from the UK Europe is a mission field that is “white for harvest”(John 4: 35). I believe that the Lord is callingbelievers from across the world to play a part in praying and working to bring in this harvest. Many have already responded to this…
The young Turks rejecting Islam - BBC News 5/9/18 (Excerpted) Losing their religion: How some young Turks are turning their backs on Islam "This is the only thing left that connects me to Islam," says Merve, showing me her bright red headscarf. Merve teaches religion to elementary school children in…
Received by Rick Ridings in Jerusalem 6 March, 2018 During a time of worship in SuccatHallel, I saw in a vision the eyes of the Lord roving over the earth, watching over the nations.  His eyes shone like spotlights upon the nations. The world looked like a giant chessboard, and…
A SEASON OF DECISION REGARDING JERUSALEM.  A GATE HAS OPENED…UNITED STATES,  GUATEMALA,  AND PARAGUAY GO THROUGH THE GATES! One week ago yesterday, May 14, 2018, the 70th Anniversary of the birth of the modern nation of Israel,  the United States followed through with its promise and moved its Embassy to the…
This an invitation to Pastors, Intercessors, Leaders, Young adults & Youth Leaders, Young adults and Youths to UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard on August 8-11, 2018 It is so evident that Millennials are faced with challenges never before experienced by generations past. They are asleep or lost interest to the…
India: Northern India States - National Fellowship 8-10 June 2018 Each year, the members of the National Fellowship Society and Leadership Team from across Northern India gather to evaluate our successes and failures that have occurred during the past year through our ministry in Untouched / Unreached Northern India.  It…
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is inviting Christians around the world to pray as one for people to know Jesus Christ. Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement. What started in 2016 as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England…