International Prayer Connections
Asia Bibi, a young mother of five who has spent 8 years behind bars unjustly accused of blasphemy against Muhammad by Muslim neighbors, has now been finally acquitted by Pakistan's Supreme Court of the charges against her. Friends who monitor the situation there now write: "This is indeed good news,…
The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us Awesome new book on prayer and mission by an IPC leader “Dr. Leslie Keegel’s new book is full of signs and wonders and reads like the book of Acts!”-John Robb, IPC Chairman. Soft Cover - $15, Digital Download - $8
A Call for Patience and Persistence in Intercession and Mission Our IPC colleague, Jason Mandryk, who has a global perspective on both the prayer and mission movements, gives a helpful and needed perspective that also underscores the importance of united, persistent prayer, which like snowflakes accumulating become more and more…
The UN says Yemen is facing the world's worst famine in 100 years if the war continues “Half the population of war-torn Yemen - 14 million people - are facing "pre-famine conditions", the UN has warned… Medics say the number of deaths linked to food-related factors is rising. Yemen has…
Iran was closer to developing nuclear weapons than was previously thought  “This is courtesy Barack Obama, who enabled the Iranian nuclear program to take a giant leap forward with his disastrous nuclear deal, a deal that John Kerry and the Western European “allies” are still trying to keep alive. That…
Bringing Hope to the People of Iran Calling all followers of Jesus Christ around the world! On November 4, 2018, join Heart4Iran, multiple ministry partners, and thousands of Christian brothers and sisters worldwide to pray for Iran and bring hope to her people. God is moving mightily in and through…
“Earlier this year we sent out a newsletter entitled "A Special China Issue," which told of the massive and brutal persecution of Christians underway in China. Many people were shocked by what we shared, and some even doubted if it was true, as other sources weren't reporting the trouble. In…
Please join in praying that the crucial U.S. elections next week will bring to power those who have strong Christian values and “bring down the wicked” as the psalmist prayed. Lawless, leftist, socialist groups want to reshape the country into a totalitarian state to become part of a globalist New…
 “A PRAYER FOR RAIN…THE NEED IS BECOMING SERIOUS.   On Shmini-Atzzeret—the last day of the fall festival of Sukkot (1 October this year), it is traditional to pray for rain. For the “former rains”, which in Israel begin in the fall.  The “latter rains” fall roughly from Passover in the spring, until…
 ‘The man asked him, “What is your name?” … “Jacob,” he answered. Then the man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel”.’ — Genesis 32:27–28a  “Jacob was one of many people recorded in the Bible as being given a new name by God. Jacob was the second–born…
We are building a Human Prayer Chain for Germany and the European Continent Hand in Hand praying for our country / our countries! Come and join us in prayer on 09. November 2018 at 11am and 3pm. MEZ / CET at 100 locations along the German border! The time is…
Dear Friend, colleague, Prayer Mobilizer, I am attaching below the PDF copy of this year’s (second annual) 15 Days Hindu World Prayer Guide (booklet) for your information. Please consider participating or letting others know about this prayer focus (starts Oct 28). Feel free to pass the PDF on to people who you know…