International Prayer Connections
From Dick Eastman commenting on the impact of a worship-saturated prayer strategy for world evangelization before and after establishing the Jericho Center in Colorado Springs dedicated to this purpose: Recently I was reminiscing on how fruitful the years have been since moving into The Jericho Center, which finally happened in…
Let’s pray for the release of this sister in Christ, Asia Bibi. She was sentenced to death (hanging) in 2010 for insulting the Prophet Muhammad during an argument with Muslim women, which began over a cup of water. This is of course a very sad lie. The BBC says: Since…
Coloradans will vote on an assisted suicide measure this November. Those who vote “Yes” are signing their own death warrants. In a recent article at National Review Online, George Weigel tells a chilling story about just how far the culture of death has advanced in some parts of the West.…
We continue to be very concerned about the thousands of people who have been living in flimsy shelters provided by the Red Cross after losing their homes in the flooding of the Tumen river the end of August. A close friend of mine shared with me recently that his mother…
Christian Persecution: China launches 'RELIGIOUS WINTER' in bid to DESTROY Christianity “Christians in China face yet more restrictions. The communist party is attempting to silence the voices and movement of Christians throughout China. The restrictions begin next month, and any and all unauthorized religious activity will be suppressed, making house…
Several flashpoints could erupt into a global conflict involving the US, China and Russia, it is claimed.EXCLUSIVE BY COREY CHARLTON 7th September 2016, The Sun, UK Edition THE world is closer to a catastrophic and bloody World War III than at any other point in the past 60 years, experts…
Another assembly that was very significant spiritually for the USA happened on October 21 in Washington, D.C. at the foot of the Washington Monument. “Some prophetic voices believe the nation shifted, spiritually, Oct. 21, 2016, on what may go down as one of the most important days in American history.…
Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer for the NPA last week. There were a score of nations doing so through a live Zoom link and by Skype at times. A group of Canadians that spanned the whole of their nation from Vancouver to Newfoundland came to be…
By Enoch Era, a preacher and teacher from India I have been following the prayers that are going on at this time in USA both in the context of the Presidential Elections and the Global political situation. I do not claim to see in visions and dreams but as a…
Prayer is one of the most humble activities we can engage in as human beings. It’s a ceding of the power to act for the humility of asking and waiting. It’s also God’s chosen means to bring about the transformation of human hearts, impossible circumstances, and even entire cities and…
Registration Ongoing...Hurry Now, Early Bird Rates Ending October 31 All roads lead to the beautiful city of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. Come January 19-22 for the unique 'Great Commission Prayer Summit.' The Registration page has since gone live with the early bird rates coming to an end on October…
“It's an intercession and missions partnership that could help see the gospel preached in every nation. International House of Prayer of Kansas City (IHOPKC) has joined with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in a new commitment to cover global missions in prayer. This partnership was birthed on Sept. 11 at…