International Prayer Connections
During a visit to Germany and preparations for the Berlin Prayer Initiative in 1997, I had an unusual visionary experience during the night in which I saw pin pricks of light approaching amidst great darkness. As they got closer, I could see that they were warriors with burning swords that…
“Almost nobody knows what’s happening to the Christians of Nigeria—but even fewer care. Here’s why we should. In Nigeria, which is Africa’s most populous country, Christians don’t have time to worry about culture wars. They’re too busy facing a real one instigated by their Muslim neighbors and by a government that has studiously decided…
“Christians in Egypt request prayer after the killing of four Christians in the last three weeks, and after the publication on 19th February of a video calling for further killings. Wa'el Youssef was shot dead by militants in front of his wife and son in his shop in the North…
In the last two weeks different prayer leaders have connected, expressing the need for united, focused, global prayers to target the demise of occultic forces working in harmony with the known demonic efforts of George Soros, and the Elitist Global Leaders he serves. George Soros: the money and mastermind behind…
Thanks to the prayers of many within the USA and many of you around the world, we have experienced a divine turnaround and made a U-turn at the cliff in our recent national election. America looked like it was in for even greater decline, but the Lord has had mercy…
“Abortion-industry giant Planned Parenthood “treated women like cattle,” according to a former insider. The comment came on Tuesday as part of the release of more videos from the pro-life group Live Action, whose president, Lila Rose, is raising various issues about what she calls the “Abortion Corporation” just as Congress is considering…
The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt released an official statement calling on its supporters to "prepare" for "jihad", in January 2015. "The Muslim Brotherhood at all levels have repeatedly defended Hamas attacks... including the use of suicide bombers and the killing of civilians." — UK government expert review of the…
“Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; protect me from men of violence,”  Psa 140:1  Let’s pray about world peace and the central role Pakistan plays. Eastern side - WAR BETWEEN INDIA AND PAKISTAN - Both countries have fought two wars over Kashmir that involves the rights of who controls…
The Syrian civil war is the deadliest conflict the 21st century has witnessed thus far. Al Jazeera “Five years since the conflict began, more than 450,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population -…
One of the most powerful combinations for the transformation of our nations is that of prayer and advocacy. Lawyers when filled with the Spirit of God and backed by the prayers of intercessors can do almost anything! Please consider this appeal for a large international coalition of about 30,000 Christian…
Not all have been heard or written about what led to the smooth exit of Yahya Jammeh, the erstwhile President of the nation of Gambia, who ruled the tiny African country for twenty-two years, from 1995. The peaceful exit of Yahya Jammeh still remains a surprise in a continent known…
New Year's Day (both solar and lunar) has come and gone and with it, Kim Jong Un's New Year's Address. Here is a link to the full text for anyone who is interested in wading through it all.  A few highlights:  As expected, he emphasized his nuclear program, vowing to strengthen its capabilities and issued…