International Prayer Connections
Russian President Vladimir Putin has just crossed a very dangerous line. He has just signed a law making it illegal for Russian followers of Jesus Christ to share or preach the Gospel anywhere outside the walls of their church, or even email their family and friends to invite them to…
This movement of praying children has been facilitated by a network of children's prayer coordinators across the country since 2003. This network now exists in 72 (seventy-two) regions / cities throughout Indonesia. The functions and duties of the facilitator is to teach children to pray at his local church and…
The Workers Are Few: “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. …
The event which brought together representatives from various Southwestern tribes was organized by Cornerstone Ministries, a network of Navajo pastors and ministries led by Pete Belon. It has become evident that the Father is doing a unique work among the Navajo by the fact that the President and Vice-President, along…
June 27 was indeed a tragic day in the history of our nation as 5 of 8 Justices of the SCOTUS ruled against LIFE of babies and health of their mothers. Please read Allan Parker's letter and press release below, also posted on Allan serves as President of The…
We are nearing one of the most important elections in the history of Australia. We need to cry out to God! #AusPrays2016 is a united call for seven days of Prayer & Fasting for Australia and the coming Federal Elections on Sat 2 July 2016. This focused time of prayer…
Glory to God! 600 hundred people from 27 countries, gathered at Milan Italy to pray and ask the Lord for Europe's season of visitation. Both Arab speaking and local Europeans were together echoing Isaiah's cry (64:1), that He will tend the heavens & come down, that those mountains challenging Europe…
On Tuesday, June 14, following the monthly prayer leaders meeting at FRC, several of us went to the National Press Club, where Phil Haney, our friend, fellow intercessor, Bible teacher, scientist, longtime investigator for the Department of Homeland Security (ret.), and whistleblower, told the story behind his new book See…
The International Prayer Council, a team of 25 leaders of major regional and international prayer initiatives and movements and who together lead International Prayer Connect, has decided to call those who lead prayer networks and ministries at the national, regional and international level together for a unique time in the…
The New Wave is flowing! This time it reached a high water mark as many of you were praying for the recent Global Proclamation Congress for Pastoral Trainers in Bangkok, Thailand, June 15-22. We felt those prayers in powerful ways as 2,573 delegates gathered onsite representing 101 of the 112…
Pakistan and Afghanistan are two different countries today. In the past it was one area of the world with many of the same people groups and people speaking the same language. Even today, it is a very fluid often non-defined border. We have referred to this area as under the…
We are at a historical moment as a nation in the UK. We may be entering a long period of political and economic uncertainty. We also believe we are at a very significant moment spiritually. Jesus is Sovereign – 'In Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth,…