Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Thursday, 26 July 2018 23:04

Metropolitan Police corruption

Allegations of ‘serious corruption and malpractice’ within the Metropolitan Police are being investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Gross misconduct notices were served on three officers, one of whom is also under criminal investigation, and ‘a number’ of others are being assessed. Investigations are at an early stage and may involve as many as 14 officers, including senior officers who interfered with or curtailed investigations and failed to investigate allegations of wrongdoing. There is also alleged systemic removal of the restrictions of officers under investigation and racial discrimination. According to the Sunday Times, three whistleblowers from the Met told the IOPC that members of the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS) were shielding officers from a range of allegations. Files have been shredded in the past when allegations of corruption were made, making it hard to prove there was sleaze, bribery or fraud.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 23:01

Visitor’s view of church

Ship of Fools have Mystery Worshippers who visit different churches and denominations with a variety of worship styles and congregation size. They report on what the experience was like and whether they would consider going back. One Mystery Worshipper reported feeling like 'the invisible man', and ‘extremely lonely’. Many reviews noted the only welcome is a quick greeting from someone distributing service sheets. One actually felt bullied by pushy congregation members ‘trying to get me to sign things and buy things’. Mystery Worshippers give us an insight into what it feels like to attend church if you have never been before. People 'like us' are often more easily greeted and assimilated, but people who don’t quite fit can end up invisible and lonely. Alarmingly, one church ‘welcomer’ who stood by the door throughout the service was asked who might feel the most left out. She smiled and replied, 'I think that would be me.'

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 22:58

Evangelist calls for new freedom of speech law

Street evangelist Allen Coote was arrested outside St Paul's Cathedral for reading the Bible aloud. No members of the public complained: it was cathedral staff who reported him. Allen believes the cathedral’s subsequent concession to allow him just 30 minutes’ speaking time per week was unreasonable and said, ‘The Bible tells us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone. Now, there are many people on the concourse of St Paul's who come from all the nations of the world, and I was just basically reading what they should hear. Some of them were really pleased to stop and just listen to me.’ The cathedral has a policy to limit any ‘source of disturbance’ outside its doors, in order to offer visitors a ‘welcoming space’. Alan is now supporting a campaign by the Barnabas Fund which is calling on Parliament to pass a new law which specifically protects the right to proclaim the Bible in public.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 22:56

Controversial MP quotes Jesus in maiden speech

Jared O'Mara spoke for the first time in the House of Commons, ‘I was elected a year ago as Hallam's first Labour MP but due to mistakes I made - for which I am truly sorry, I hurt a lot of people - I've been unable to speak in the House with confidence until now.’ He spoke of his pride in representing disabled people, as Parliament's ‘first autistic MP, with cerebral palsy and other disabilities’. He also spoke of what can be learned from the teachings of Jesus, although he considers himself ‘a man of science.’ He said, ‘Jesus was a man who forgave those who truly repented, and he shares my belief that our utmost human priority should be helping those who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable amongst us.’ MPs usually gather around their newly elected colleague for maiden speeches, but Jared stood alone at the end of the rear opposition bench.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 21:55

Cliff Richard and the BBC

The BBC has to pay Sir Cliff Richard £850,000 to cover legal costs, following his privacy case against them. He had already been awarded £210,000 damages when the court ruled that the BBC infringed his privacy when reporting a 2014 police raid on his home. Sir Cliff was never charged or arrested. The BBC is also going to pay £315,000 to South Yorkshire Police for legal costs. However the BBC is seeking leave to appeal against the judgment, and wants to challenge Sir Cliff’s right to privacy while a suspect in a police investigation - trumping the broadcaster's right to freedom of expression to publish his name and cover the raid. Lord Patten, former chairman of the BBC Trust, said the BBC would be ‘crazy’ to appeal against the High Court's ruling in this case, saying they should ‘swallow hard, say they made a mistake, apologise, as they have, to Cliff Richard and not to do it again’. See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-44884477/cliff-richard-bbc-would-be-crazy-to-appeal-lord-patten

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 21:51

Anti-Semitism in politics

In February we reported that anti-Semitic hate crimes in the UK had hit a record high, prompting prayers for more visible and frequent prosecutions for such incidents. The Jewish community was targeted almost four times a day last year, which also saw the highest tally of incidents since data gathering began. Three-quarters of all anti-Semitic incidents were in London and Manchester, where most Jewish communities live. Hatred is rising, and Jewish people are suffering as a result. This should concern everybody because it shows anger and division, threatening all society. In 2015 the international community agreed on a definition of anti-Semitism. The UK’s Labour party has not signed up to it, saying its own code of conduct already covers the definition. On 23 July Labour MPs and peers backed the international definition. Jeremy Corbyn disagrees.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:27

Norfolk tackles refugee crisis

As Syrian people continue to flee their homes, Rt Rev Graham James praised Norfolk for its leadership in welcoming refugees. Fifty refugees have been accepted, as part of the Government’s Syrian resettlement scheme. ‘While it is no longer front-page news, as the devastating war in Syria continues into its eighth year, the need to provide sanctuary to refugees grows’, he said. ‘Norfolk has a great tradition of welcoming refugees, and it has been incredible to see the outpouring of kindness and support from faith groups, charities and local businesses since the crisis began. Our culture and economy benefit from embracing them into our community. We are proud to welcome refugees to Norfolk, and I urge communities around the UK to do the same.’ Mohamed Eldaly spoke about his experience leaving Aleppo two years ago to resettle in Norwich, unable to speak English. He is now studying for a master’s degree in molecular medicine at the University of East Anglia.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:24

New prayer resource for the countryside

A new partnership has recently been established between Top Barn Trust, Agricultural Christian Fellowship, Village Hope, and World Prayer Centre. They have started to offer a monthly prayer sheet, ‘Seeds of Prayer’, to mobilise more prayer for our rural communities, encourage those living and working in Britain’s countryside, and inform those in more urban settings. For inspiration to aid your prayers for the rural life of our nations, farming, the land in all its complexities, and mission in the hard-to-reach places, click the ‘More’ button. See also this week’s article on Rural Mission Sunday.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:22

Pray for Dominic Raab

Dominic Raab, the UK’s new Brexit secretary, is settling into his new job. We can pray for all his conversations to be directed and strengthened by heaven. May Mr Barnier adopt encouraging tones with Mr Raab as they work towards signing off the remaining 20% of the withdrawal agreement between the EU and UK. Pray for Mr Raab’s mantle of authority to be strengthened by God, ensuring his voice is heard clearly above all other voices within the European Commission. As he faces questions and negotiations around UK’s exit, may he have eloquence and clarity on every detail. Ask God to anoint him with a double portion of grace and strength to deliver UK’s parliamentary decisions and amendments. We can pray for the decisions made in future meetings to be in line with God’s purposes for our nations, as politicians’ thoughts and words come into line with heaven’s wisdom.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 19 July 2018 23:19

Rural Mission Sunday

On 15 July rural churches across the country celebrated ‘Rural Mission Sunday’, with special services and other events. Pray that all who attended these events will take back to their communities fresh expressions of God’s love and purposes. May they not be robbed of the Christian input and inspiration they received. Pray that our rural churches will continue to grow in strength and mission. In villages across Britain there are still remnants of former rivalries between different denominations, yet the Church is not restricted to one or the other human institution; there is one flock and one Shepherd. Pray for the Lord to gather His people together in fellowship, prayer and mission, whatever their denominational allegiance.

Published in British Isles