Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 10 August 2018 03:47

Defend burka like you defend the cross

Ruth Davidson - who is the leader of the Scottish Conservatives - has been speaking out following the comments by Boris Johnson about the Burka. The Christian MSP suggested we should defend the right of Muslim women to wear the burka in the same way we defend the right of Christians to wear a cross. She was speaking after the former foreign secretary compared the burka to a letter box and women who wear it to look like bank robbers. Theresa May asked him to apologise. With no apology forthcoming, founder and president of the Conservative Muslim Forum Lord Sheikh said the party should take ‘severe action’ against Mr Johnson. On the other hand, Christian, Jacob Rees-Mogg, said there was no need for Mr Johnson to apologise and an imam who has previously criticised the burka said Mr Johnson should not ‘apologise for telling the truth’. The debate continues.

Published in British Isles

‘Prospects’ groups are based on two main principles. Firstly, that all people should have an opportunity to hear the Christian message including those with learning disabilities, and secondly, all people are capable of responding to the Christian message because it is a matter of belief and trust, not intellect and ability. In the UK one in fifty people have learning disabilities and Prospects seeks to befriend such people, explain the Christian message in a relevant way, and provide a sympathetic environment where people can grow in their understanding and respond to the message. Prospects meetings can be held in church halls, for meeting-centred ministry, or in the home of a helper, or a residential home for friendship-centred ministry. Helpers make home visits, take people out, provide transport and above all engage in personal discipleship in a way that people with special needs can respond to.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 August 2018 03:45

Modern Slavery

More than 5,000 potential modern slaves were referred for help last year but the CPS only prosecuted 239 suspects, a small fraction of potential cases flagged to authorities. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said it was committed to improving its response to forced labour and sexual and criminal exploitation after MPs warned that a national strategy had ‘yet to result in coherent action’. Alison Saunders, the outgoing director of public prosecutions, said, ‘Modern slavery has a devastating, lasting impact on its victims. There is no place in our society for those who enslave others, whether for work, sexual or criminal exploitation or domestic servitude. Referrals to the CPS from police and agencies rose by a third and prosecutors said the increase was part of a ‘dedicated drive to clamp down on slavery-related crime’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:17

Intercessor Focus: Christian holidays

Across the country youth workers and church members will be running holiday clubs this summer. Pray for energy and innovation for all the leaders; for peace to permeate each activity, regardless of any unforeseen pressures; for safety for all and for incredible relationship-building across the age ranges; for all the different holiday club material to be used wisely; and for God to anoint with power those who are gifted in storytelling, leading music, dance, arts, crafts, games and creative teaching. May thousands of young people recognise God's love for them this summer and respond to His call on their lives. Pray for the Church to impact not just the children but whole communities, as families are inspired through outdoor Christian celebrations, church fetes, and parties. Pray also for all the many week-long Christian mission retreats, Bible weeks and camping events. May millions of lives be challenged and changed this summer.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:13

Incident at HTB's summer festival

Hampshire police were called at 5:06 am on Wednesday 1 August after a report of a 21-year-old woman being sexually assaulted at the Focus Festival (held at the Somerley Estate, near Ringwood). The event, hosted by Holy Trinity Brompton church, sees thousands of Christians gather for a week of teaching, worship and fellowship. Delegates at the festival reported seeing police on site as campers were packing up to leave the event, which had finished the previous day. The victim is receiving support from specialist officers, and a 54-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of rape. He remains in custody. The Focus festival has been running since 1992.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:09

Right to die law changes

The Supreme Court ruled on 30 July that hospitals can now end life-sustaining care for patients without the need to seek court approval, if families and doctors are in agreement. The ruling was said to ‘clarify the law’, and avoids the need in many cases for families to come to court. Judicial approval will now not be required to withdraw life-prolonging treatments from patients with a prolonged disorder of consciousness such as being in a minimally-conscious or persistent vegetative state - if families and medical staff agree. Previously, some NHS Trusts were unsure as to whether they might find themselves liable to legal action if they went ahead with withdrawal of treatment before seeking permission. The court, led by Lady Black, ruled that to take such action was not a breach of a patient’s human rights. Many Christians believe this decision does not reflect the ‘views of the pews’. The Christian Medical Fellowship said it is never humane to end someone else's life. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:07

Aid sector sex scandal

A damning report from MPs said the aid sector is guilty of complacency verging on complicity over an ‘endemic’ sex abuse scandal’, and charities were more concerned to protect their reputation than victims. Safeguarding policies were never effectively implemented. Leaders were ‘self-deluded’, thinking they had addressed problems before they became public. MPs insisted more resources were needed to tackle the issue, and victims must be at the heart of solutions. Charities must ensure the beneficiaries of humanitarian aid have knowledge and confidence in their rights. An earlier report, by UNHCR and Save the Children, found it was mainly men in refugee camps who demanded sex in exchange for biscuits, soap, medicines, etc. Oxfam said the report was painful reading for the whole aid sector. ‘We have made mistakes handling historical sexual harassment complaints from staff in the UK - there is a great deal more to do’. An international summit in October will expect the sector to have demonstrated progress by then.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:04

Scotland: asylum-seekers rejected

300+ Glasgow asylum-seekers are threatened with eviction by Serco, a public service provider. Rev Dr Richard Frazer said it was unacceptable that people fleeing war are treated this way. ‘Authorities have clear moral responsibilities to provide housing for people in need. Serco intends to evict people whose UK asylum has been rejected, and has ordered six families to move out within a week, before the locks on their doors are changed. Dr Frazer said that although individuals and families have had their right to remain turned down, past evidence shows that half will win their appeal against that decision. The Church of Scotland is backing a new campaign to challenge the UK Government’s approach to illegal immigration, which is leading to destitution, discrimination and distrust. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:01

Universal Credit empowers abusers

Welfare payments are turning the clock back to the 1950s and allowing abusers to control family finances, MPs say. Under Universal Credit (UC), payments are made to one person per household, often leaving abuse victims and their children dependent, a report by the Work and Pensions Committee said. One abuse survivor feared the new system could leave her and her children with ‘nothing for weeks’. UC aims to simplify the benefits and tax credits system with a single monthly payment. Claimants provide details of one bank account for payments. Although they can request split payments, Job Centres currently only offer them in ‘very exceptional circumstances’. Christian Labour MP Frank Field said men and women pay taxes as individuals, and should each have an independent income. People living with abuse can see their entire monthly income, including money meant for their children, go into their abusive partner's bank account. The system makes it harder for victims to leave an abusive relationship.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 July 2018 23:07

Child brides - spoon test

The Co-operative Academy of Leeds has been working with human rights charity Karma Nirvana to end forced marriages and honour-based abuse. In school education lessons, students were given spoons which they could use if they feared they were being taken abroad to be married in the summer holidays. If they concealed them in their underwear, the spoons would trigger airport metal detectors, and the child would be taken to one side to be searched away from their parent or guardian. This would allow the youngster to tell airport staff that they were being forced into a marriage. Karma Nirvana’s helpline has taken nearly 70,000 calls in ten years. It has worked with the academy for five years, teaching pupils and staff how to be aware of this problem and how to get help if they are affected. See https://www.karmanirvana.org.uk/what-we-do/raising-awareness-education/

Published in British Isles