Children at risk

Written by David Fletcher 31 May 2019
Children at risk

There has been much improvement over the years in quality of life for children, but we have not yet eradicated the serious harm inflicted on children at risk. Risk is increased by poverty, alcohol- or drug-addiction, domestic abuse and where parents have learning disabilities or mental illness. Childhood neglect can be a gateway to deeper problems. UNICEF reported that approximately one in 10 of all girls under 20 have experienced sexual violence. Children not in school are at greater risk. Wars take place in streets these days. In conflict areas, or where natural disasters have struck, vaccination rates plummet, education stops, trauma multiplies. Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. The Church is uniquely well-placed to protect children at risk and make them more resilient, resourceful, and hopeful for a brighter future. No other organisation can supply such time, compassion, volunteers, skills, and spiritual resources.

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