Children in Prayer

Children in Prayer

Mobilizing Children to Pray for their Community and Nation and Some Suggested Guidelines

Why children cry

14 Nov 2013
An informative article about children crying in the presence of the Lord

Take Five

14 Nov 2013
How to pray for your friends - five steps, five blessings, five friends, five days.....
See the following link to download the audio file:
Jesus said "Go and make disciples". An animated video showing what this could mean in practice.
World Prayer Assembly 2012 Indonesia with Chinese subtitles.
Children in Prayer Kids version (Chinese subtitles).
Introduction for children to the 2012 World Prayer Assembly meeting Jarkarta 14 - 18 May. With English subtitles.
This video shows children in prayer and how to gain a vision for this to happen.
This video shows the story of the Brotherhood Missions in India, a mission with 8000 of India's "Untouchable" children in ministry. There children are leading their parents to the Lord, prayer walking their neighbourhoods daily, planting churches and changing communities, cities and nations through prayer and intercession.
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